Ralph Newton
My feedback
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130th ranked
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35th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Ralph Newton commented
The real concern is what develops when focus morphs into obsession, and that has already become the case with race and race relations as well as the socio-political divide on so many issues we ought to be able, as supposed "adults" to find equitable solutions for. The MSM seems fixated on maintaining that separation at whatever cost to the Republic to keep those site clicks luring advertising dollars to their corporate coffers. It's in my opinion near criminally negligent and remarkably juvenile for so critical to our civilization a service to be so carelessly and irresponsibly handled.
Ralph Newton supported this idea ·
13th ranked
Ralph Newton supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Ralph Newton commented
As all of us for the most part now subscribe to online media as a primary source of socio-political information and opinion, it actually IS if not exactly a crime against humanity, often a lopsided journalistic narrative, buoyed by heavily biased censoring of "comments" which creates a false snapshot of the citizenries socio-political state of being, (and although yahoo denies this vehemently, there is clearly bias in your censoring). If it requires subterfuge to sell your agenda then what are you hiding, and why can't that agenda stand on the truth, and weather opinion to the contrary. I have had three comments censored for "further consideration" that never made it past your censors in just the last few days although there was nothing in those comments that was either offensive or misleadingly false that I was able to determine, as based on commentary other than my own. It's disturbing to see yahoo heading down this social engineering by selective censor, and lopsided "journalism" path. I would not have believed not to long ago that Orwell had such clear inkling regarding our future and how it might play out. Many, quite likely a majority of your readers are indeed disturbed by your online behaviour as an industry leader, and frankly shocked at how little you regard the character and intelligence of your readership, or the freedom to post comments within the "legal limits of decency", sadly, and it's frankly a dangerous path you trod, censoring seems to rest a great deal on the views and opinions of those posting.
22nd ranked
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32nd ranked
Ralph Newton supported this idea ·
7th ranked
Ralph Newton supported this idea ·
16th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Ralph Newton commented
This is really, (other than a level of near worshipful sycophancy in your journalism towards and for one side of the great socio-political divide that close on rivals a North Korean military officer interested in keeping his head), a great disservice to your readership. I came back after years of your complete comments blackout, likely enacted to influence the presidential election and midterms, as only the one sided heavily slanted reporting and "journalism" survived, that really reads like a kind of socio-political engineering project for bored billionaires and their minions rather than an honest effort at creating a news site impartially focused on the issues of the day, common good and welfare of Americas Citizenry, and an impartial platform on which to freely comment and share ideas of import. It's sadly become in large apparent part a tool for one side of the dialogue, and that is really so dangerous, against everything we believed we stood for, and often near criminally negligent. Pitting citizens against one another while tying one sides arm behind their collective back with a kind of sensationalist yellow journalism type of reporting coupled with a biased censor platform is cowardly bullying behaviour. period. I've been heavily censored since returning to yahoo's news pages, and can see no reasonable cause for such, but rather a concerted effort to ***** the narrative. Yahoo denies this of course, and if so, if you resort to gaslighting to support your chosen agenda, then what makes that agenda you are carrying water for so repellent, so dangerous to our Republic that that becomes, in yahoos way of "thinking", necessary. Just thinking out loud here, contrarians are of course more than welcome, and yeah, I'm likely closing both my paid yahoo plus email account and readership of your media as well, although "hanging in there" and making my voice heard as clearly as your censors see fit to allow is i believe important, yahoo just doesn't pass the smell test and is no longer worthy of substantive support. Just my couple cents in the pot, don't censor me now!
Ralph Newton supported this idea ·
It's just another way to control the dialogue and create a false snapshot of what the majority of Americans really think and believe. Big Brother approves