My feedback
4 results found
17th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous supported this idea · -
23rd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commentedApparently, I am no longer allowed to comment, as I can never see the comments section when I'm signed into my account. Last time I commented, sometime last year (2021), I used the word "asinine" and got an email stating that the comment was not acceptable. Clearly, Yahoo has IGNORANT people in charge of reviewing comments, as the word "asinine" is NOT a cuss word or crude in any way, shape or form. Meanwhile, I read articles with the f-word, the c-word and all manner of filth. I also see that there are many nasty, RACIST comments that DO get posted. Yahoo is run by ignorant hypocrites.
18th ranked
11th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commentedI tried to post a simple comment: "What a shame there are old wooden pieces of furniture just rotting away". I tried THREE times, but it would NOT post. You know what, Yahoo, you suck really bad. Your censorship is absolutely PATHETIC. No wonder your site is hated so much. Have you ever thought about why Yahoo is halfway down the sewer? No? Well, you totally ignore your users. You suck big donkey dicks and I hope you choke to death one day. You deserve it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commentedPeople are sick of being censored for words that are real and not filth. I can't write "Nazi". I can't write "young" and "woman" together in a sentence. I can't write "******". WHAT AILS YOU PEOPLE????? STOP CENSORING REAL WORDS!!!!!
Anonymous supported this idea ·
Your comment on "Anti-Trump Burnout: The Resistance Says It’s Exhausted" violates the community guidelines and has been rejected. My comment was "LOL!". That's ALL! And, another one I posted was an answer to someone asking about the location something happened in. My reply? One word: Yes.
However, when this was reported: "Niq qers gonna niq." Yahoo said it was NOT a violation. GOOD GRIEF. You people are INSANE.
EDIT -- OH LOOK! ANOTHER REJECTION This time for : "I have to stop reading articles like this. They always make me cry". SERIOUSLY YAHOO? WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU?
EDIT2 -- Yahoo, you've gone over the cliff with rejecting comments that are CLEARLY NOT against the rules or guidelines. It's gotten to the point that almost EVERYTHING I post is rejected, and NONE are violations of your freaking guidelines. What is wrong with you? Do you want people to stop using Yahoo? At this point, Yahoo is the biggest joke on the internet. I do believe I'm being targeted by your braindead employees.