Yahoo Weather iOS
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146 results found
1st ranked
New pictures
It would be awesome to see some new pictures featured, and many places don’t even have pics. Surely there are pictures available to represent almost every city and town?
3rd ranked -
Pay to remove ads
Pay to remove ads!
2nd ranked -
Air Quality
It would be very handy to know the air quality readings.
4th ranked -
Upload our own photos
We should have the option to customize our city
5th ranked -
Apple Watch
The App is not working in the Apple Watch.
6th ranked -
Have option to see both Fahrenheit and Celsius
Would be a great learning tool to me to see both Fahrenheit and Celsius beside each other. I have family overseas and they often described their weather in Celsius. I have to do a mental math conversion to understand what they’re talking about. It would be nice if from seeing the daily weather on Yahoo I could do a quick approximation.
7th ranked -
Current Location Not Updating
Yesterday I was in L.A. for about 8 hours. When I was there, my Current Location correctly showed as Los Angeles, CA. However, I have been in Thousand Oaks, CA for the last 18 hours—but my Current Location still shows as Los Angeles, CA. Why is this the case?
8th ranked -
9th ranked
Add the dew point temperature.
Add the dew point temperature.
10th ranked -
Hourly forecasts
Is there any way to get hourly details for more than the present day?
12th ranked -
What happened to the animations like rain, lightening and snow? They were one of the best things about your app...
11th ranked -
15th ranked
Does anyone listen to feedback? I see others have suggested this VERY IMPORTANT addition to your app! I prefer this app over the others. But it’s frustrating to see that it’s snowing near our cabin, yet have no idea how much to expect!
14th ranked -
16th ranked
F/C option on the skin
Allow Fahrenheit/Celsius change without having to travel to Settings! Easy feature to integrate and this will differentiate your app from competition. I submitted this feedback earlier as have others. How difficult is it for you to code this?!
12th ranked -
Correct information on coronavirus
Just put correct information on here . It's easy to do
17th ranked -
Radar problems
I have an iPhone and an iPad, both with Google Weather installed. In the Radar or Satellite View I used to see the weather and the map, now I see the weather and the map on the iPhone- but I only see the weather/clouds on the iPad and I no longer see the map (the geography). Is there a setting need to change or is this a defect/bug? Thank you.
18th ranked -
19th ranked -
Radar showing incorrectly
Frequently radar view seems to be corrupted especially when changing zoom levels. Frequently the radar tiles seem to be duplicated, and in general are not displaying the radar picture correctly.
20th ranked
- Don't see your idea?