Bad grammar makes me immediately stop reading and dismiss the articles entirely.
Can someone at YAHOO use spell and grammar check before posting articles? It makes me think that you are too ignorant to know what you are writing about.

Casey H Cowles commented
Today Yahoo published this wonderful use of the English language in their link to a video on a teacher suing her school district because they allowed her to diddle a child...
"Apparently there a lot of teams in the audience is there's no. Devious implies. I substitute teacher in Iowa and accused of having *** with a student says it's the school's fault that happen. She could hand the original bill Walt when Millen on facts and turned up behind that select. But that isn't true. As the school's chance some of the blame and should the school be rested. And the case he could make the case either way the Catholic Church hierarchy. Allowed the priest the predatory priests to do their dirty work. And the school's new about. That this was going on apparently that I read anyway and they could have Dunst something that I can I ask that really stupid question. Why didn't she ...
When people are told to read so they stay smart and children are told to read so they learn how to write this type of dribble won't help those two worthy causes. If it was caused by a program that doesn't use humans I would suggest you start to employ a proof reader.