quit allowing comments only on specific articles. quit trying to be the feelings police. allow free and open discussion
quit allowing comments only on specific articles. quit trying to be the feelings police. allow free and open discussion on all articles.
Welcome Guest commented
Comments being removed when they do not violate Yahoo's community guidelines is wrong.
Welcome Guest commented
All comments I post are rejected. They don't violate any guidelines. why?
Theresa Morgan commented
Do not stop customers from posting comments. Do not stop customers from reading comments. Censorship is unconstitutional.
Brandon Hoss commented
It is very critically important to me to allow free and open discussion frume
Brandon Hoss commented
L Williams commented
Simply don't post the article or send it in the email on yodel. I like that.
L Williams commented
I really just experienced this today possibly. Had to appeal several posts, this is unheard of.
george t commented
@michael claypoole.
pretty clueless aren't you ? -
george t commented
@sum 1 dense or what ? some articles have no option to comment on them at all. if you can't figure out that minor detail before trying to be witty, then the internet is not for you.
I do not use profanity in my posts like some people do and you still reject 9 out of 10 of my posts without telling me why. I have never made threats against anyone. Give me back the Freedom to rid my view of the worthless News Sources that i don't want to see, and then I'll quit posting negative comments..
Sum 1 commented
Of course, comments posted under an article should only refer to that article. It’s called staying on topic. If you want “free and open discussion on all articles”, create your own blog.
T LR commented
How does the following comment violate Yahoo's commenting policy? "Pretty soon we'll have a McCarthy like panel here in the US to suss out any sympathizers who disagree with which ever cult of domination is in power. Thought Police". Is it because Yahoo is the "Thought Police"?
[Deleted User] commented
Yahoo doesnt believe in FREE and OPEN discussions. They believe as Russia, North Korea and China does, that our freedoms are not as important as their bias twisted narratives. Just look at who runs and owns it
TheComplainer Wang commented
Yahoo against free speech on post that criticize democrat. Yahoo censors it.
Daniel L commented
Get rid of the comments section all together. It's unmoderatable, filled to the gills with white nationalist talking points and reactionary hate.
Shut it down again. It can't be fixed.
Michael Claypoole commented
Free Speech. If they Feel I'm a Threat (Domestic) Because It Might Look Or Sound Like I'm Raising My Voice (Which I do a lot of times) only Because of Some People Being Down Right Stupid + Ignorant + That Just Fires Me Up. I speak my Mind (Key) is SPEAK. That's The Only Way 2 Sometimes Get a Point Out. It Doesn't Mean I'm Always Right (I'm Not) In Fact Far From It. I never Claimed 2 Be a Professor of English Or Math, I'm Not An English Major + In Fact I was Only a B-C English Student, Probably they felt Bad 4 Me + All Though I might Not Have Been the Brightest Light Bulb In The Class I Did Make It a Point In Viewing My Own Opinion + I think 4 Speaking Up + Talking Things Out is Why I got the B+C's. I hear you Loud + Clear, So I understand They Have to Do What They Have to Do. I'm Not a Bitter Person, It Is What It Is + If They Do Ban Them Then God Bless Them + I will just Move On 2 Somewhere Else. Hope U have a nice Afternoon/Evening. Take Care, Mike
estelle potter commented
Yahoo is the most censored, and incorrect, they won't let you post anything in comments, unless it fits their narrative and I feel like they scramble the response if your against their narrative.....
Bubba Gump commented
Yes please stop only allowing comments on certain articles. Everyone should be allowed to comment on every article.
Daniel J. Kuntz commented
I want to read the comments people have all over the world! good/bad I WILL DECIDE !
[Deleted User] commented
One of the things I love about this POS website is that it is proof there is no freedom of speech in a country that ostensibly proclaims that it has freedom of speech. Your POS website is a surveillance gulag. But it is super to see youwho be the total hypocrites you all are, you commie website.