Chris Rasmussen
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83rd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
13th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
YAHOO: Fix your algorithm or hire human beings to police comments. Your rejections have run amuck.
Today's news featured the heartwarming story, "Cat-astrophe diverted: Family reunited with cat after they accidentally ship it out with return."
My response was somehow rejected: "This is the kind of story that takes the dread out of opening my laptop to take in the news. Big Thanks to author Becca Wood for a purrrfect start to my day!"
I'm speechless!
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
I often post contextual news comments regarding politics and science. I don't call people names or engage in the hate-mongering I see routinely cascading, uncensored, from the right, yet have found nearly all of my recent comments being withheld. Reviewing one attempted post after another for words or phrases that could be interpreted as offensive and finding none, I wonder if right wing readers are just reporting every post I make. Has this happened to you?
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
69th ranked
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
154th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
Simultaneously, my inoffensive comments are now routinely censored - quips that lack offensive language or attacks on anyone of any kind. I thought the Yahoo comments were far over-policed given my experiences, but then saw highly offensive rants and use of words I would NEVER get away with employing, so, there's a broad disparity in what passes... or maybe *who* it passes for.
14th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
We should all understand at this point - after the unchecked spread of disinformation on COVID caused tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of senseless deaths - that Social Media organizations have a responsibility to police traffic on their sites to protect the public. But news comments do NOT fall under the same banner as Facebook or Twitter. News comments can become colorful and impassioned without danger of spiraling into an insurrectionist movement. No rioter will ever respond to FBI questioning of their involvement, "Oh! I read about it in the Yahoo News comments."
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
20th ranked
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
8th ranked
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
1st ranked
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
I have to think this was posted before President Trump declared on tape (this time *knowing* he was on tape,) that COVID was "many times deadlier" than flu "and transmissible through the air" - before lying about it to the public for the next year and prompting tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, to die irresponsibly and needlessly. And this was certainly posted before Trump curated and cheered the insurrection that may still yet end democracy in this country. It turned out that all the "left wing" news that "twisted" representation of Donald Trump turned out to be correct, and all the Trump apologists turned out to be wrong. Now, don't you feel silly?
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
Yahoo is an aggregate site that presents news from many sources - including FOX. If news coverage happens to include right wingers behaving badly, blaming Yahoo is rather like blaming weather reporters for forecasting storms.
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
I fear the author slamming news on Yahoo as "opinion pieces" is guilty of the very charge he or she is making. Yahoo! is an aggregate site, providing news from many sources, and from my years reading them, have not found a particular leaning. You may not like the people you follow are doing or saying stupid things and that those things get reported, but slamming Yahoo simply for acknowledging the events speaks a greater volume about your framing of news than theirs.
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
Ummm.... you guys ~ Trump says and does stupid things. Mean things. Unethical things. If the fact of his behavior doesn't offend you, why are you getting bent out of shape just because it's being reported? He is the incoming president of the United States and he throws child-like temper tantrums at the least provocation, lashes out on Twitter at individual citizens and companies, and has back-peddled his stances on nearly every hot-button topic from abortion to gun rights to minimum wage, to taxes, to immigration reform... even to Palestinians and Israel. Trump's continual flip-flopping is NOT Yahoo's fault!
7th ranked
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
5th ranked
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
19th ranked
23rd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
I can't speak to FOX Business, but as far as FOX News, as a longtime viewer, the level of inaccuracy and outright punditry became intolerable. What those on the right complain of as "liberal media bias" - such as merely acknowledging the accuracy of science - the rest of the world simply understands as fact. Please be honest: you aren't really concerned with picking your news organization, you're wanting to accept conspiracy theory and outright fantasy as fact. That may be entertaining your confirmation bias, but it certainly isn't news and mustn't be treated as such.
98th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
The most dangerous misinformation is being spread BY THE PRESIDENT HIMSELF. Compaining that commenters sometimes get it wrong, too, is NOT reason enough to silence them!
2nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
HA! I'm now opening news stories only to have MULTIPLE videos play simultaneously. Get it together, Yahoo! Separate and CLEARLY LABEL video and printed content, and PLEASE immediately terminate simultaneous video playback. I promise you, NO ONE finds this helpful.
An error occurred while saving the comment Chris Rasmussen commented
Just attempted (with a currently registering 29.65Mbps download speed,) to read a dozen headline stories, all of which turned out to be videos and none of which would play. I'm sick of video ads and video stories - just give us the fricking news. Please separate and CLEARLY label video stories so I won't have to bother clicking on them.
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
4th ranked
Chris Rasmussen supported this idea ·
Have I been somehow blacklisted? While I DO comment on political, scientific, and occasionally social issues, I do so sans name-calling or condescension. After a dozen of my threat-free/profanity-free comments were inexplicably rejected outright, I posted Kudos to a young athlete on exceptional achievement and wished her future success. IT WAS REJECTED.
There is a either multi-tier censor at work, or it's only turned on at certain times - I've received threats and name-calling I would never employ and could certainly NEVER be permitted to print, so WHAT GIVES, YAHOO?!?