The Daily Caller is clearly a heavily biased diatribe. Stop, Stop, Stop. Let the Koch Brothers find some other outlet before you further destroy the Yahoo brand.
John commented
Too late, Yahoo is doomed
martin feig commented
I'd like to know why Yahoo continues to post in their news section anti Semitic and anti Israel articles from Mint Press. One can only conclude certain people at yahoo are Jew haters. On Rosh Shashona yahoo posted a vile anti Israel piece from Mint Press.
Gene-yes commented
Since you give us the option to block articles based on topic or key words that they contain, why not allow us to block articles from sites that we find in inappropriate?
S Duke commented
Why not give people a way to PERMANENTLY block out whatever news sources (right leaning, left leaning, or whatever), particular news stories, and ads (like the ones showing bad feet, etc.), for that matter, that they do not want to see over and over. I can only think it would make the news listings more popular, not less, and it would be great feedback for the ad producers, too.. Give the people what they want.
s. p commented
The Daily Caller was founded by Tucker Carlson, staunch libertarian, and Neil Patel, former adviser to **** Cheney--so folks, you know the viewpoint already. I don't see that Google News carries this "news" source.
Shadoza commented
Atlanta, Huffington Post, AFP, and a few others that are less visible are largely opinions not news. They should be moved to the opinion section of my home page. Could we, please, have the ability to opt out of news sources even as we have the option to not see specific subjects in our news line up?
Anonymous commented
Just leave it to the reader to understand the source and now which way the writer leans. Just don't flood the site with too much from one source (ex., I see way too much Huff Post compared to most other sources.)
Anonymous commented
The Daily Caller should be considered ballast to the Huffington Post, Atlantic Wire, and Daily Beast. If anything, there should be more news and editorials from libertarian and conservative sites.
Anonymous commented
The Daily Caller is awesome! You want to get rid of something how about The Huffington Post that is nothing but ****!
DS commented
Love The Daily Caller NEWS website. They're known for their own reporting and not a 'copy' of someone else's story.
Doug commented
Then also take out Atlantic Wire,, etc. from the news feed. There's as many (or more) blatantly liberal "sources" in Yahoo as there are blatantly conservative.
Anonymous commented
The Koch Boys know your IP address and Google Maps coordinates. Soon comes the end of ObamaNation.
Anonymous commented
Please,it is SUPPOSED to be a NEWS feed,not a Tucker Carlson's warped opinions feed