Block "" its eating up bandwidth and never works, probably a hack
Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance commented
Thumbs-up/Thumbs down is severely broken, missing on most articles...funny thing is it's mostly the spambots who's replies have the thumbs-up/thumbs-down error. Coincidence?
Jayeld commented
I cannot post comments in the news, for no reason. There is a stupid error message every time I try.
Also it is not "whomever answered" but whoever answered. -
Daniel Vachon commented
Besides, answers is a dead dog. It's full of trolls and misinformation. It's was more of a form of entertainment than an actual learning tool. It's been rendered completely worthless. I used to participate in answers alot as a level 7 user bit it's just garbage now. Face it, the other sites killed it. It's over. And who in thier right mind would refer someone to it for customer support, that's just stupid
Anonymous commented
Every single time that I've EVER used -- THE ANSWERS are always, always either wrong, because whomever answered doesn't know what the heck they're talking about in the first place -- OR -- the answers are 11 years old and no longer relevant to today.
Anonymous commented
I heard from a true news source that Yahoo is up for sale not knowing how to make a business plan from it's billion plus who log in every day "Really?" maybe "Answers .com" bought them out!. Why else can we no longer dislike anything and have to click on everything without a way to customize or dodge adds its a true concentration camp of the internet yah TPP!!!
Frank Johnstone commented
over a year and nothing done... no wonder things are not going well at Yahoo.
Anonymous commented
I NEVER click on anything from "answers" because they often have viruses attached to them.
Anonymous commented is NOT THE ONLY site that is incessantly flooding your screen with ads that literally take 10 minutes to calm down BEFORE you can even SEE the STORY that you wanted to see. Much like those other sites, ie: '15 ways to leave a lover', and its impossible to proceed from page to makes me want to rip my hair OUT! Because of those pathetic ongoings, I now have a cheat sheet of sites (that) I need to avoid. I also keep a cheat sheet on sites that I cannot comment on.
KEN I ALLARD commented
you always send any inquiry to ..that place has nothing there..
Nancy Mclemore commented
A major slowdown.
Anonymous commented
They are poorly written and poorly formatted. The accompanying adds slow down or lock up almost any computer I have opened them on. I quit opening any of them because they are so bad, but they use other names as sources, and you don't realize it until you have clicked on the article.
Trish O commented
Not to mention it's a head-to-head competitor with Yahoo Answers. The sale of so many ads to is perhaps the surest sign that Yahoo has written off Yahoo Answers and is letting it die a slow death. Did you never watch or read Old Yeller? A person of integrity puts a once-loyal beast out of its misery swiftly.