Scoring - New scoring categories and functionality
Requests for new scoring categories and general functionality.
Some of the most highly requested scoring categories are:
- Wins + Quality Starts
- Opponent OPS
- TB/9
- HR/9
- Net Wins
- Total Walks allowed + Total hits allowed

C G commented
It's been voiced multiple times and doesn't take much to add it, just do it already!!!
C G commented
Oehler Oehler commented
Thing Horse commented
It begins today...
Thing Horse commented
This would cause balance in the force. Oh... ... and adding the scoring category would help as well.
"Surrender all your logic and formulas to me tonight, they'll come true in the end." -Pat Stat Nerd Benatar
Tom Hunt commented
There are weak hitting, glove first players on waivers and great two way players. Adding Outs Above Average or another defensive stat would make these players more relevant in fantasy. On the flip side, slugging bat first players would have a statistical deficiency. Like it or not defense is part of the sport and as far as I can see the only defensive stats are errors or fielding percentage that isn’t very indicative of a players fielding value.
Chuck Molinaro commented
If you aren't good at something, get better. Don't try and change the rules!
Alec Guiness commented
Yahoo should add SLG Against as a pitching category because TBA penalizes IPs
David Bur commented
Please combine Wins + Quality Starts as a category. I would implement it in our league immediately.
Charle Chivvis commented
Let us weight categories
Cody R commented
Scoring needs to be modernized.
Add OPS so triples and doubles are important. Could probably replace HRs with this. HR and RBI are so tightly correlated you don't need both.
Add Holds to Saves (called High Leverage Outing - HLO), then middle relievers become an important asset. Especially since they also get a lot of the Wins now due to pitch count. Which means...
Wins should probably become Quality Starts.
Kristóf Varga commented
Please add to the Pitching Scoring options:
Game Score v2 = 40 + 2*Outs + Strikeouts – 2*Walks – 2*Hits – 3*Runs – 6*HR -
Kristóf Varga commented
Relief P Contribution (RP Wins+Saves+Holds)
Please add to the Pitching Scoring options: Relief P Contribution 2 (RP Wins+Saves+Holds) -
Kristóf Varga commented
Please add to the Pitching Scoring options: Starter Wins
Kristóf Varga commented
Please add to the Pitching Scoring options: QA3 (IP >=5 + ERA <=4,5)
Quality Appereance when the starting pitchers IP IS at least 5 and the ERA is max 4,5.
This can replace QS as QS is getting obsolete. -
Kristóf Varga commented
Please add to the Pitching Scoring options: Saves + Holds v2 (SV*2+HLD)
Anonymous commented
it just makes sense...We have errors and random cat's people would never use but we don't have this one? com'on
E H commented
While a stat for "inherited runners scored" exists, this is a punishing stat. Could we add an "inherited runner prevented" stat as a configurable scoring option? This would bring more value to middle relievers and setup men, encouraging the best to be rostered as opposed to actively avoiding these players if using the "inherited runners scored" stat.
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
ROBERT, I AGREE - these fools haven't done **** about this, for 2.5 years now. it's pathetic!!!!!
Robert Colonna commented
Wins + Quality Starts is a must need for this season!