[Chat/Message Boards] Message Board Removal Feedback
Feedback regarding the removal of message boards from Fantasy Baseball in the 2023 season.
Fantasy league message boards are not going to be available for the current season however you can still access historical message board posts through your fantasy profile. You can continue to communicate with your league via Fantasy Chat, email and commissioner notes. Moving forward we are investing in chat as the best place for league communication and will be adding threading, pinning, polls and more. We welcome your feedback below about how your league used message boards to help us make future improvements.
Alfonso Mancuso commented
Until 3-4 days ago, there was a message in an orange box on the main league page that said "you can access old message board by going to your profile, then your league history, and then click on an old league". Now even that is gone. You're seriously the biggest a$$holes I know. Hello Fantrax.
I will miss it; but i miss the mock draft grading more. Why was it removed?
I can live with it; but i miss mock draft grading.
stephen peet commented
No chat. No fun.
Diane Harper commented
Why do you continue to take away the human element! First you take away chat during the draft, now you take away the forum on the league page.
Why even play on this platform any longer?
Daniel Martinez commented
I just participated in a fantasy football draft in Yahoo Public 74238 . It was a disaster. I loath the changes you have made to all fantasy leagues this year. Incuding:
1.) The way drafts are now being conducted, It used to fun and exciting. Now it's just a headache and very stressful, especially with all the extraneous garbage you try to sell fantasy players, When I click on the drop boxes for players by position nothing came up like it has in years past. I have major problems queueing up players and the whole experience is severely downgraded from the way it used to be. Please don't tell me you've redesigned the process to benefit players. Because it will be a massive trumpian lie.
2.) Why you got rid of the message boards neither I or anyone I know who partakes in Yahoo Fantasy Sports understands the reasoning behind that colossal error. It worked perfectly fine until your redesign screwed it all up. It removes the immediacy of a quick response to a manager's question. Some of which are time sensitve for many good reasons.
3.) Finally, I don't want or need some auto-generated email from you advising me politely that my feedback is being processed in a timely manner. I want real answers. I have engaged in Yahoo Fantasy Sports since the late 90's and until this disastrous year I found it was, overall, the best run fantasy league site in the business.It no longer is. You all should pay attention to what many fantasy boards and social media is saying about your current product. It ain't good, in fact it's very negative. Many fantasy players are leaving you in droves, especially since you and all the pro sorts leagues have partnered up with Vegas and online gambling sites. Half the time I login to my fantasy leagues, I can't view the league home page for the ubiquitous online gambling ads. This continued behavior will eventually kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
I have lost my patience and if this situation doesn't improve before fantasy hoops begin, I and my fellow fantasy olayers will leave Yahoo. Our departure won;t hurt you immediately but hundreds of thousands of Yahoo Fantasy players will leave.
One last issue: The stories you post on the Yahoo home page and it's various sites are so poorly written and spelled it's embarrassing. Your cost-cutting measures have led to copy editors, decent writers to be let go or they just leave you for better opportunities elsewhere. You barely write your own stories like you used to. You've become a mediocre news aggregation site. The optics and perception are a terrible look for your declining company.
Daniel Martinez
Memphis, Tennessee -
Daniel Grossman commented
Good riddance to the message boards. For the most part they were used for bullying and rude behavior. 90% of people are good and decent, but the small number of jerks in leagues love using message boards to make everyone else miserable.
Steve Jones commented
The message board was essential for communicating with league members, record keeping for fees, off season trades, in person draft info. Not every league is a redraft and some of us use this for keeper / dynasty type leagues. You obviously don't have many employees who actually run fantasy leagues because you're not listening to your patrons. I'm guessing this will cost you several league memberships. People will find other sites to replace what you have taken away. SMH
Erin Ryan commented
Doesn't sound like they're coming back, but I just have to vent. This is a pretty big feature loss IMO. The message boards were a great way for people to easily find topics they cared about and keep that record available for the entire history of the league. We used it to post and discuss rule changes/clarifications, keeper designations, public trading, etc. It was easy to see what we said 3 years ago about how to interpret rule x, or "prove" to the league that this is the third year that this player was chosen as a keeper. None of the other remaining options alow the combination of clearl communications, group discussion, and historical archive that the board did. R.I.P.
Scott Muljo commented
Whoever made this this decision should be fired for not having the basic understanding that communication in these leagues is of the utmost importance especially in private leagues. I would recommend that my league search for a different site that has the chat feature. So very disappointing.
Greg Bolz commented
Just a horrific decision, along with the rest of the UI changes. Changing stuff that doesn't need to be changed. A Yahoo tradition unlike any other!
Eric M commented
This is BS! Coming from someone that plays in private leagues, we use those boards to communicate and talk smack! You have just killed some of the fun! Get your **** together Yahoo!
Brian Jepperson commented
If you can't communicate with your fellow players, you may as well be playing against bots. But I guess this is consistent with the continued Yahoo incompetence in all things.
Keith McCarthy commented
Absolutely horrible decision. Message boards are crucial to the league and a major part of the fun.
John Shannon commented
Message boards are CRITICAL to leagues. They are an integral part of communicating with the league. HORRIBLE decision to cut them out.
Tim Hawk commented
Terrible decision to withhold message boards. Losing steam and getting worse.
John Persons commented
Once again your Best Draft Award is just total nonsense. This year it's very obvious. You rate five drafts with a D. Please. Just get out of the way.
Aey Iamkrasin commented
Bring BACK the message boards!
Crosscheck commented
I'm in a private league with 8 family members, how are we supposed to talk now, morons?
Crosscheck commented
Why do you have to make everything worse?