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95 results found

  1. Fix your layout

    Please fix your website layout. This newest version is absolute TWADDLE. The person or team that OK'd this new layout is a/are a COIN!

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  2. Why did Yahoo remove the Show Less Articles from a news source?

    Why did Yahoo remove the Show Less Articles from a news source?

    I get my daily news from Yahoo - I don't want to see news from certain unreliable sources (ie: Fox News or other click-bait sources)

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  3. I want to be able to block Fox News content on my homepage.

    I want to be able to block right wing propaganda sites like Fox News from my new feed.

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  4. This new home page stinks. Who asked for this?!?!?!

    Why fix it if it isn't broken? How was this a good idea? It isn't bad enough that Yahoo censors non-inflammatory comments (probably due to paid sponsorship and/or favoritism) but now no commenting at all? I'll be looking for another homepage and creating a new e-mail address. Yahoo doesn't mean all that much to me anymore. You guys suck and the people pulling your strings suck too.

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  5. Fix format.

    Your new format is horrible. I may need to switch, maybe google news, which is also poorly formatted, but not as bad as your new format.

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  6. freedom of speech and expression

    yahoo refuses freedom of speech and expression

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  7. Is there a reason why Yahoo is now publishing so many articles by Fox? We need some balance on the homepage.

    Fox has eliminated most of their fact checking personnel, Yahoo should eliminate Fox or at least limit them.

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  8. Please remove "The New Republic" from my home page

    Please remove "The New Republic" from myhome page

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  9. 737th ranked

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  10. how about making signin simpler, just went through a 5 minute process that was a circle jerk

    I just went through 5 minutes of BS trying to sign in to my yahoo account .
    whats with all the additional steps? Yahoo is becoming a pain, time for something else.

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  11. How do I filter out opinion-based articles and Fox (all thier platforms).

    How do I filter out opinion-based articles and Fox (all thier platforms).

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  12. Return to old home page, new lay out is horrible, ugly and hard to navigate.

    horrible homepage we want old one back....not attractive

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  13. Stop showing Fox in my news feed

    Stop showing Fox in my news feed.

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  14. New Website

    Can you please anchor your web pages on the new site??

    Hint: An anchor tag, or anchor link, is a web page element that links to another location on the same page. They are typically used for long or text-heavy pages so that visitors can jump to a specific part of the page without having to scroll as much

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  15. new layout isnt good ast all.

    the new layout looks like ****! my 6yo can make a better one, please dont change it.

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  16. If it's my sign in name and correct password sign me in without your other ****!

    I don't appreciate your additional requirements to sign in once I've entered correct sign in name and password!

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  17. Post real news not biased opinions

    Post real news not biased opinions

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  18. ******* YAHOO..STOP sending articles from "The Telegraph" to my feed.

    ******* YAHOO..STOP sending these **** articles from "The Telegraph" to my feed.

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  19. Please Stop using Fiverr for Homepage Redesign

    Your sense of design is downright TERRIBLE. It seems every new revision of the HomePage gets worse, along with your number of users. Idea! Stop using the bottom of the barrel designers, and try going for a professional look (e.g. BBC) with well organized information and fewer ads. More ads do not work if you lose users as a result - a lesson you should have learned in 2nd grade! Less equals more.

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  20. The prices on the amazon sale items is ALWAYS deceptive. Whatever Yahoo says it costs, add $5 or$10 dollars.

    Please verify that you are not lying about prices. It literally takes one click to see the difference in what Yahoo says and what Amazon actually charges. It is NEVER true.

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