If i click on a link in my mail about a reply to my comments here on Yahoo, please make my comment the top one when I link to the article.
Make my comment the top one when i link to it from my mail or notifications. I am tired of having to search for my comment out of a thousand other replies.

Beverly Mills commented
so what is the answer to this reply button thing?
David Breslauer commented
Do not take us to the article but rather to the post. Do you expect people to scroll through thousands of posts to find one to reply to. If you do not want people to reply or view the message then don't send them an email asking if they want to go to the message.
Joe F Hochstuhl commented
Yes, it seems to have started just after the election. If someone replies to you, and you click to reply to that person. The chat service no longer finds the message you are replying to. It is very frustrating attempting to have a conversation. The question becomes, is this a bug or is it by design.
Linda Lambert commented
Fix reply button
Peter German commented
Every time time i click on any of comments it links to the original site instead of the Yahoo article where my comments are. I want to be able to reply to people that reply to my comment and can't do that if you
Kevin Devine commented
My alerts on Yahoo News in the comments section never brings me back to my post, only back to the article. I can never respond to people responding to me because Yahoo never sends me to my post. I instead have to search through all the comments to find mine. I even signed up for alerts to be sent to my email but anytime I press “respond to conversation” it just leads me back to the article again not the comments section. It feels like this is on purpose and I’ve been blacklisted with malware. The support said “too bad so sad”leave a review. What is going on? Why can’t I simply respond to my comments? Why is it impossible to find if I’m being alerted twice in my email and yahoo account?
Reed More commented
Hi Yahoo - Fix your news comments. The connection to OpenWeb is broken. OpenWeb webiste has a broken/expired certificate on their website. You can't go back to see replies to your comments on Yahoo.
Stitch Jones commented
My account is viper96gts under the name Stitch Jones has been plagued with issues. My comments post, but with difficulty. hose who respond with either thumbs up or simply comment are not available for my viewing as prior to recently. When i click on a comment it does not open, but rather sends me to the article only.
Would you please look into how to fix this technical issue?Thank you very much
Stitch Jones commented
my account is viper96gts My comments post, but with difficulty
those who respond with either thumbs up or simply comment are not available for my viewing as prior to recently. When i click on a comment it does not open, but rather sends me to the article only.
Would you please look into how to fix this technical issue?Thank you very much
Donna Largent commented
When I get an email from you that someone replied to one of my posts I often click on the button to reply to their reply. It no longer takes me anywhere near the post. It just takes me to the article. Please fix this. I used it all the time.
Lala Gigantico commented
Why let people respond to each others' comments if you make it impossible to link back to the conversation?? If you want people to engage with comments, you should make it extremely easy for them to get back to their comments to see and to perpetuate that engagement.
NeoRocket commented
I agree. Half the time I just don't search as it is a waste of time. The comments section can't be that poorly designed. Can it? Oops.
Slumbering Joseph commented
They (Yeeblowme) don't want you accessing previous comments. They want to control the narrative so they can control you...it's the leftist agenda. It's like that one kid on the playground that took the ball away because nobody wanted to play by his/her (did I just assume gender?) rules.
Quite honestly, the staff is likely nothing more than spoiled brats with a low IQ.
A. G. commented
Yahoo is the purveyor of censorship. If your comment was found offensive in any way, whether to Yahoo tyrants or some **** in the comment section, Yahoo will delete it. This comment is most likely offensive to the tools. My most recent comment about me always referring to Ellen Page as Ellen Page and that she cannot force me to partake of her delusion and losing war against biology was rejected. Go figure.
Bagels N' Cream Cheese commented
I discovered it is a browser issue. I had the same problem. I use Chrome on Yahoo and if you give the system a moment, it will locate the message in question and allow you to reply.
Be certain you make Chrome the primary browser for this to work.
c b commented
Maybe you said something about not believing in the LGBTQ+beliefs, it's the only beliefs in America that you are not allowed to say you don't believe in.
No one cares what you do or what you believe in as an adult, you are free to believe in whatever makes you happy.
But don't try and make others believe in something they don't.#wedontbelieveinlgbtq+beliefs!
#sayNotoReligiousandLGBTQ+beliefsin minorchildren'spublicschoolsandTV shows!
Stay strong proud traditional Americans and pass it on!
rumours commented
I think the reason Yahoo is doing this and making it so frustrating is because if someone actually read your comment or replied to it then it probably has some merit to it....so they don't want you to find it to create discussion about it, they just want to keep shoving their liberal bias down your throat without meaningful discussion.
John Drake commented
Unable to find my comment to reply on. Briefly appears when linked from email notification, then DISAPPEARS. Why is this a continuing problem? Upon linking from the email notification of a reply to your comment, it should take you directly to your original comment. Please fix this.
G B commented
When I get a notification someone has replied to me, I click on it, and it takes me there for half a second, then resets and takes me to the newest comment again. Literally the only way to get to your comment is to find it via scrolling, which is impossible on a highly-commented article.
The best part? The commenting system's feedback form is broken, too! You click on submit, and it just sits there and does nothing.
Benjamin Ahlbrandt commented
If you are going to bother posting a link to reply to someone in the comments that has replied to you, the link should take you to the comment in question, not to the comments section in general. Your comments section is already a shambles. With the technology available it is just an embarrassment.