I don't care for the new format. It is very faded and hard to see. Too white and light gray.
The old format was easier to see. This new one is too faded. Gray on white just doesn't work.

William Lee commented
Faded is correct. It is wrong.
You think it is pastel and soothing.
I find it hard to read hit the Reverse-Highlight button to read it. (otherwise known as the Alt+C copy button to reverse colour the text.
Unfortunately this turns all text into BLACK text on ***** YELLOW background.
Easier to read than the colour combinations you are using.
Give us back the old Dark Blue and lLight Gray of the old Yahoo. They seemed to know what they were doing.And let us have all-text Yahoo, like Yahoo-Emacs once did. Simpler and no mouse required.
<<<>>> Information about the current document
Lynx 2.8.6rel.5 (09 May 2007) ([1]latest release)File that you are currently viewing
Linkname: Yahoo Mail
URL: http://mail.yahoo.com/
Charset: utf-8
Server: ATS
MoniqueDC commented
Very Very harsh on the eyes. Fatigue sets in very soon. Your format overrides the choices I have in Windows to ensure I do NOT have BLINDING WHITE pages. Are you really trying to drive us all away? If I didn't have so much history in my folders, I'd leave in a New York Minute.
Anonymous commented
Would like to make the middle white area less bright. It is distracting to read the emails.
Anonymous commented
New format is hard to read - white lettering is just torture to look at on screen. Please give black lettering option.
Anonymous commented
Immediate feedback: the message list is too bright white and the grid lines between messages and highlighting are too faint.
Anonymous commented
bring back the look/feel of 'classic' with the new functionality
Anonymous commented
Looks like I'm being forced to go to the new mail interface. The main reason I haven't switched is the the main mail interface is either too bright or too dark as I try the different settings. There's nothing in between. Even the medium setting is too bright because the background where all the emails are displayed is still too bright.
Anonymous commented
The print is too light and hard to read
Lisa Chapman commented
`The bright white is too ******* my eyes. It would be nice if we could pick our wording colors too..
Alison Glass commented
I too agree with Laurie
As an older individual, I find the new format harder to read with my poor eyesight. I need to be able to vary the size and coloring of the background and/or lettering more in order to be able to see it better. Even this comments section is difficult to read for me because the lettering is way too small and the lettering isn't dark enough -
Adrian Polit commented
'description' should be the 'comment'
Adrian Polit commented
your ads are sometimes lewd (just because I am male and interested in sports doesn't mean I want cleavage thrown at me) and your ads are animated or blink.
David commented
Two weeks now. still nothing. Do you all think this is reasonable.
David commented
It's been a week now. Still no response...
David commented
So I've now been promised three times since Monday that the Yahoo engineers would email me about this. We actually use Yahoo so we need it to work. Thanks.
David commented
My contacts will not sync and did not transfer to new phone. I removed and restored account in users & accounts. didn't work. I uninstalled and reinstalled Yahoo mail app. when I reinstalled from Play Store it would not open. Did that twice. Could only restore Yahoo by transferring using Content Transfer app from my old phone, where contacts have not synced since November. I've been told twice that engineers would contact me. Heard nothing yet. I use Yahoo for work, so I really can't afford to have these problems. Would appreciate finally getting a response. Thank you.
donna english commented
please give me back my old yahoo don't like this at all
Alison Glass commented
totaly agree with Laurie who wrote
As an older individual, I find the new format harder to read with my poor eyesight. I need to be able to vary the size and coloring of the background and/or lettering more in order to be able to see it better. Even this comments section is difficult to read for me because the lettering is way too small and the lettering isn't dark enough. I'm straining my eyes just to write this. White lettering on a dark background is even worse to an older individual. -
Laurie Segers commented
As an older individual, I find the new format harder to read with my poor eyesight. I need to be able to vary the size and coloring of the background and/or lettering more in order to be able to see it better. Even this comments section is difficult to read for me because the lettering is way too small and the lettering isn't dark enough. I'm straining my eyes just to write this. White lettering on a dark background is even worse to an older individual.
Johnny commented
Needs more theme and color options. It's super easy to add this feature, custom coloring should be added.
If you want larger font there is a workaround for most/all browsers. Use the Zoom feature, under the View button at the top. Ctrl + mouse wheel Up, will also do it on Firefox, maybe other browsers.