Please please please please STOP posting headlines for articles with spoilers for tv shows and films!!! I can't tell you how many times yahoo news has comepletely ruined shows and films for me. It's terrible. Whether it's American Idol, Survivor, Game of Thrones, Avengers, etc. It's getting old, and you're not much of a news source if that's what you do. I'm about to block your site from my phone and laptop if it continues.
Konrad Mozdzen commented
I don’t like opening yahoo and immediately seeing spoilers for a show I watch. The episode came out TODAY. Why is a spoiler for the show in it’s title? “Seriously though, why does The Mandalorian have a mustache?” How can yahoo possibly let this be posted? Terrible.
Cecilia G commented
It drives me bananas when you guys run articles saying which character was voted off The Masked Singer. They never say who it was until you get in the article but saying the character ( say Sqiggly Monster ) is a huge spoiler!!
Dustin Etting commented
I have had this happen WAY to many times...funny thing is, ITS AN EASY FIX!
Bryan Debelak commented
Giancarlo Galimberti commented
Seriously stop. So **** annoying.
jef f commented
Just stop