Can we get a report on Bill Clinton and his very close relationship to this Epstein guy? I read yahoo daily and am looking for more info
Can we get a report on Bill Clinton and his very close relationship to this Epstein guy? I read yahoo daily and am looking for more info on this subject. The world has been so busy lately, your world class editorial staff must have something very compelling in progress. I can't imagine that your objective reporting would only mention legal activities that President Trump participated in, until their friendship was ended by President Trump when he found out Epstein was a ****** predator. I mean...President Trump helped the government build their case, while at the same time, Bill could have been participating in not so legal activities with Epstein and possibly underaged children. Help me out, team. Thanks for your committment to reporting facts and not trying to persuade people with biased news. You all rock!!!
Matthew Hauch commented
Trump was with Epstein in these parties with underage girls. He stopped being friends with Epstein after a land deal/money, not because of the parties they both attended. What do you think they did? Bill is probably guilty also. In my opinion both are guilty of it.