My suggestion is that everybody at Yahoo News should quit because your a bunch of sorry lying liberals!
I think Yahoo news is just a liberal opinion giving site that has nothing to do with news at all. Your pathetic disgusting and idiotic or libiotic. I used to read your Nazi like articles just so I could comment but now I can’t even do that most likely because most of the comments pointed out how disgusting your articles are. One sided liberal rants that are still telling us how good a job Biden is doing. Hahahahaha! What alternate universe are you existing in. Your rich white liberals or brainwashed minorities because no person living in reality could still support a President who is this bad. You used to tell us that President Trump wasn’t mentally stable enough to be President and if you had any journalistic integrity you’d most definitely be telling us that Biden isn’t mentally stable enough to be President. But you don’t so why is that? It’s because your totally brainwashed. Your liars, anti-American, deceiving Nazi’s! I’ve noticed that liberals blame your opponents of being everything you are. Your the Nazi’s, your the racist, your the clos minded bigots that don’t know the truth if it hit you right in the face. Your the violent bunch of heathen that threatens to lock up your opponents and you probably think the libiot Judge who trying to put Trump in prison is doing a good job but you have nothing to fear because your one world supporting liberal hordes will never put you in prison even if it’s far worse than what they’re trying to railroad a great former President with. I really can’t write what I really think of you at Yahoo news. Not because I don’t understand that one day all my social media post could be used against me in a kangaroo court of unlawful activities because if people like you stay in power for long enough I’m sure conservative Christians like myself will probably brought before before one of your pathetic liberal judges. You at yahoo news disgust me

c b commented
Vote Republican! They are the party of true equality among races. The democrats are trying to divide us and separate us by color and they are trying to give certain races special privileges.