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2193 results found

  1. New yahoo

    2024 New Yahoo is terrible!!! I'm actually considering leaving it out of my news roll of which it is a staple. Absolutely hate this new setup.

    2nd ranked
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    Why is it that no matter what I post or comment, it's ALWAYS rejected? Why are so many american opinions of no consequence to Yahoo? Your getting extremely close to a federal courtroom for multiple constitutional violations, and that's not just my opinion.

    17th ranked
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  3. Do not include non news sites like Fox in feed

    Do not include non news sites like Fox in feed.

    37th ranked
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  4. NO POLITICAL ADS that can't be turned off

    NO POLITICAL ADS that can't be turned off.

    56th ranked
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  5. Give me the tool to remove Fox News from the news feed m

    Remove Fox News from the feed. It is propaganda m

    42nd ranked
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  6. Stop being so biased.

    Every single article condemns Trump and praises Biden. I don't like either but what happened to posting non biased articles and letting the people decide for themselves? Instead, Yahoo pushes the left so far down your throat that that alone makes people not even want to vote.

    58th ranked
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  7. Stop posting Fox “News” feeds

    The Fox network has not been a news network since sometime in the 1990s, if it even was then. It is right wing propaganda and not a source of objective journalism. Stop running feeds from it on your site.

    50th ranked
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  8. Stop promoting woke leftist fake news anti Trump propaganda

    You keep promoting extreme left narrative. Its so biased and off putting. PLEASE STOP!

    72nd ranked
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  9. 80th ranked
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  10. 96th ranked
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  11. Trump and Fox algorithm stop

    Is their way to override your algorithm. I’m getting way too much Trump and Fox News. Please stop!

    48th ranked
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  12. Go back to your old format. This news format is terrible.

    I have been a yahoo news page guy forever. No more with this new format.

    40th ranked
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  13. Put news in not opinions. Very left leaning and not very neutral

    Quit allowing opinion as news articles. News is actually the idea of reporting. This is just a bunch of opinions of left leaning ideas

    96th ranked
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  14. Hire some MAGA reporters to balance stories and content- everything you report is left wing bull!

    Need balanced news reports supporting both sides and currently you focus on strictly anti-MAGA news. A real honest news company would have both sides represented so the consumer can hear both sides.

    89th ranked
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  15. Stop all of the hopping back to start repeatedly while I’m trying to read an article

    Stop the incessant hopping back to the start when I open and try to read an article. I ended up leaving and just finding other sources for the in

    212th ranked
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  16. Please take the anti trump BS off my home page

    Please take the anti trump BS off my home page

    104th ranked
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  17. Stop stop stop stop STOP the 100% democratic feed!!!!!!!!!! I don't mind 50, 60, even 63.235 % democrat anti trump TDS, but give balance

    Stop stop stop stop STOP the 100% democratic feed!!!!!!!!!! I don't mind 50, 60, even 63.235 % democrat anti trump TDS, but give balance

    105th ranked
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  18. Yahoo represents itself as a news feed. Fox News has testified under oath it is not news but entertainment. Please either remove Fox or put

    Fox News has testified under oath it's not news but entertainment. Please remove Fox News from the News feed and place it under the entertainment tab. I don't appreciate being fed lies.

    45th ranked
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  19. Let me remove sites I don't want to see. Git rid of "The Hill" and "Huffpost" they are trash.

    Make it easier to remove sites unwanted! Yahoo keeps stuffing their agenda down our throats! I need the email but wish I didn't, so I don't have to see the trash like "The Hill" and "HuffPost". They clearly have a liberal agenda that is not wanted by a lot of people out there.

    61st ranked
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  20. Show more articles from FOX news. Fair and equal representation!

    Show more articles from FOX news. Fair and equal representation!

    149th ranked
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