Yahoo Homepage H
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This is a place for you to help shape the Yahoo Homepage experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Homepage.
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2189 results found
Make your instructions common person friendly, not programmer friendly.
I guess I have your new I am not impressed. I can't use my old home page. Everything I have read says this default homepage can be customized. What I have read says use the customize option in the navigation menu. I guess the menu is the line of options, i.e.mail, finance, sports etc directly below the address bar. I have even clicked on "more." I do not see any customize option. So far, I think your new "update" is garbage.
721st ranked -
Yahoo Won't Listen
Like Farcebook, Yahoo never listens to users. Thinking of going,to Truth Social or look for a site where I can pick what I want to see.
721st ranked -
Stop posting only News about Kamala Harris, it's too one sided
Seems that the only headlines are about Harris and whats going on with her campaign, there is another candidate too ! Keep it equal, don't use the tricks put on by the democrats.
393rd ranked -
New My Yahoo do not like can we go back to how it was
Go back to old style need the option to do so
159th ranked -
Bring back original format
The format recently changed and it is horrible. Bring back the old format or at least give readers a choice of setting which format they’d prefer
152nd ranked -
Your left wing B/S is so obvious! Grow up and stop bashing Trump!
STOP bashing Trump, the greatest, most patriotic President in US history, bar none!!!!!
134th ranked -
Fix the cyber attacks.
Yahoo is being attacked by cyber criminals. For no good reasons, anti-trump comments are being deleted. Please investigate the manipulation asap.
721st ranked -
Be more neural report the facts, your bias is showing. I prefer Agoofle because they have all sides of the story.
Be more neural report the facts, your bias is showing. I prefer Google because they have all sides of the story. You have a duty to protect our Republic from misinformation, let us decide.
393rd ranked -
152nd ranked
Bring back MyYahoo!
Bring back MyYahoo!
1251st ranked -
Give us back our MyYahoo page! The new site SUCKS! 😥👎
Give us back our MyYahoo page! The new site SUCKS! 😥👎
904th ranked -
Tengo un problema en mi cuenta Yahoo!. No recibo correos
Tengo un problema en mi cuenta yahoo.
Esta activa la cuenta y no recibo correosFreddy Ibarra
+57 30035693691251st ranked -
I want old Yahoo homepage back.
The "Switch back to Old version" is not at the top of the page. Iedo not like thi new version, I am unable to customize it.
904th ranked -
I'm leaving your site its terrible go back and or i'm gone
go back to old site
904th ranked -
Go back to the original. This absolutely sucks. If I was trying to invent terrible, I’d use what you’ve done as a perfect example.
Go back to the original. This doesn’t work for me at all. It’s that simple. You broke something that didn’t need fixing. I had everything set up on my yahoo page where I could find anything I was interested in immediately. This is what works. KISS Keep It Simple Stupid.
904th ranked -
1251st ranked
Redo changes
Change the changes you made back to what it was. The new layoput is terrible, it looks like someone in kindegarten created the layout. I was always using the financial layout for information. Also whnever the browser is opened it states with the last page opened instead of going to the home page.
904th ranked -
New Yahoo page is awful
Go back to the old format this new format is horrible
904th ranked -
What happened to my customized "My.Yahoo" home page?
When my tab opens, it goes to Not page!
904th ranked -
Team member
Email you created for me I see all good understand so therefore you want back in I see well prove yourself if you do then your more than welcome to join us again ok discretion confidentially organization affliation remember and all good
1251st ranked
- Don't see your idea?