Charlene Williams
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44th ranked
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231st ranked
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5th ranked
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248th ranked
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291st ranked
Charlene Williams shared this idea ·
213th ranked
Charlene Williams shared this idea ·
352nd ranked
Charlene Williams shared this idea ·
213th ranked
Charlene Williams shared this idea ·
194th ranked
Charlene Williams shared this idea ·
291st ranked
Charlene Williams shared this idea ·
352nd ranked
Charlene Williams shared this idea ·
1st ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
We are seeing chronic symbolic wokeness throughout our society. From movies, sit-coms, news and media outlets....everyone (especially corporate america) is joining the woke bandwagon. This has become painfully and awkwardly obvious to me. Thinking American's see through the BS and are turned off by the barrage of fake, self-dillusional antics and woke diologue we are bombarded with on a daily basis. Just STOP it!
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Liberal PC media (Democrats) have never understood why average, working people were drawn to and voted for Donald Trump. This will be their greatest downfall in the years to come as they try to erase all memory with silly law-suits, political-vendetas and anti-American censorship. Imo
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
True journalist with integrity and honor directly take on supposed lies and accusations of voter irregularities and fraud. They do that by investigating and collecting evidence to the contrary, thus refuting the lies and accusations. But, with the past election we have none of that basic journalistic procedure or curiosity. Our major news sources simply ignore, scoff and turn a blind eye to affidavits of voter irregularities and fraud. Perhaps the biggest political story in a century and our corporate owned Press simply ignore it. And they wonder why citizens NO longer trust them for important news stories. Their political-bias and mediocrity will continue to destroy them as more and more people discover other news sources. They only have themselves to blame! Imo
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Fake news reports that Joe Biden is the most popular Presidential candidate recieving more votes than Obama or any other candidate in
U S history. Don't believe your own eyes, brain or common sense. You must believe the same news sources that led us into the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and spewed lies about Russia collusion for 3 years. Then cheered and salivated the impeachment of our president over a simple phone-call. These are the people who are are now telling us there were NO voter irregularities or fraud in this election. They have no shame or credibility in my opinion. They lost those things decades ago. JSYKAn error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Voter's are suppose to believe a Presidential candidate (Joe Biden) who couldn't attract 50 people to his campaign rallies. Received more votes than any other Presidential candidate in our history. That seems absurd and beyond ridiculous to most thinking, reasonable people. Imo
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
It appears Donald Trump is taking the advice Hillary Clinton gave Joe Biden. "Never concede under any circumstance." Now the courts or legislators will decide this election. Imo
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Liberal Dem's are upset Trump has not yet conceded and intends to legally challenge the election results. But, liberal Dem's have spent 4 years trying to undo our 2016 election with a Russia-collusion investigation, a bogus impeachment and Hillary ranting of Trump's illegitimacy. So...who are really the SORE losers and true Hypocrites? Imo
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Jeffrey Toobin story shows the liberal news media is made up of ****** freaks, geeks and lunatics. No wonder American's are turning to other sources for their news! Imo
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
How I know systemic racism in the USA is a myth. Because we must build walls to keep people out while many countries build walls to keep their citizen's in. If the USA was such a horrible place as Marxist-Democrats tell us. This would NOT be the case!
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Why is Australian news giving the American people more news about Hunter Biden emails than Yahoo and other major "news" organization? It appears a major cover-up is taking place to protect Joe Biden. Imo
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
When 95% of your political stories are anti-Trump, anti-Police and anti-White. Why would anyone take your site seriously for fair and unbiased news? We don't!
Charlene Williams supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Yahoo and other media should STOP being a branch of the liberal Democrat party. Imo
3rd ranked
Charlene Williams supported this idea ·
6th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Why has 90% of our news media and programming become democrat-party cheerleaders? And why do they also demand 1st amendment rights for themselves while trying to deny those same rights to those with differing opinions and views?
Charlene Williams supported this idea ·
1st ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Charlene Williams commented
Lefty Democrat's have been supporting ANTIFA and BLM violence for the past 4 months and not a word of condemnations from fake liberal news. But, now that Democrat's are getting a dose of their own medicine. Somehow it is Trump's fault. Your bias and total disregard for truth and facts is undeniable and embarrassing. IMO
Charlene Williams supported this idea ·
14th ranked
Charlene Williams supported this idea ·
28th ranked
Charlene Williams supported this idea ·
There is and always will be racism in the USA. That's a fact. But, to equate today's racism to what happened between 1700-1940 in our country is ridiculous. This false narrative is being pushed by race-baiters and our liberal press 24/7. I for one am tired of this political lie and it's time to call these liars out for their grotesque misrepresentation of racism in America. If we are a hate filled racist nation we wouldn't need to build walls to keep people out. They wouldn't want to come here!