Find SOME way to filter out all of the Russian trolls!
Russian trolls are a plague on Yahoo comments. Most of them are easy to identify, because they are attacking Yahoo or other news sources, not the article or information in question. Also, Russian trolls generally have few comments, generally less than a thousand, and a quick review of their other comments can be used as the basis to screen them out and close their accounts. Get these Russian trolls OUT of Yahoo!

[Deleted User] commented
Few of the posts here are helpful or relevant because they are outright denials of people who complain about the problem.
They use arguments that criticise "poor whiny liberals", "socialist liberalism", and such, and then claim that there are people who believe that anybody who disagrees with them are ******* trolls or who have foreign influence etc., etc.,etc..Their comments are made freely, as is their right, but they are no better than the people they condemn and are easily ignored.
I've seen few that are objective; one of the best so far is to filter out comments based upon IP addresses.
It's not an infallible method, because some trolls are inside ****** and yet others may very well be spoofing their IP addresses. All the same, it should not be difficult to weed out the obvious ones.Few of the posts here are relevant
Jamie Lutton commented
Russian trolls a. urge us to hate and fear each other. b. spread lies and disinformation, like
''walk away'' (from the Democrats) a recent attempt to sway votes from Moscow. c. They
are very divisive on Yahoo, and cause a lot of anger and strive here.
Everyone's blood pressure would go down if they were kicked off.
They have foreign addresses, right? DO YOU JOB, YAHOO! -
Anonymous commented
Its amazing how these days Americans with an opinion that differs from the left are all suddenly "Russian Trolls". I guess we really are in a " cold war" when people saw " Commies" everywhere... accused EVERYONE, and generally became insanely paranoid. Stop with the paranoia people... go get some counseling! Are there some Trolls that are Russian..yes. They have their idiots that go online and post the same as we have here in the US. NO COUNTRY is immune to stupidity. They are also not immune to trolls who go online and harass and annoy people. Every country has them. Trolls from South America ( Mexico, Guatamala, Panama, ect post on immigration issues. Yes, I have caught them. But theyre ok.. because they arent Russian. Oh and don't think for a second they weren't trying to influence the elections. They did their part too. But they agree with the left so shhhhhh... that doesn't happen!!
William Brown commented
the "news" should be neutral; Yahoo cannot get any more left... it is already so far left that it cannot change course. I am going to save a lot of time by not reading your left-wing, biased junk
J commented
It's the middle of the night US time. I just had a go-around with a foreign troll. English was perfect (too good), but his understanding of culture had breaks. He was clearly spreading false information and contradicting facts (something that Yahoo has reported on as a common anti-US tactic). When I called him on it he switched accounts and came back again. I called him out and he admitted it. Really, what is yahoo doing about Anti-American trolling. Google, facebook, ... are all taking serious measures as are European providers.
mike commented
I can't believe this is ranked (currently 167th) so low on the suggestion page. It is a real problem. Some of the Russian bots have over 50,000 posts I've seen some with over 70,000
I've been here since 1998 and I have about 3000 posts. Which I feel at times is too many. -
Joe Richards commented
What is Yahoo doing about all the russian bots and trolls on here?
Ideal Living commented
This is a serious issue which needs to be addressed. Further, pro-Putin puff-pieces like, "Putin's Russia: From basket case to resurgent superpower" are quite literally propaganda.
. Spaznler commented
"...the armies of Russian trolls..."
Maxine Waters, is that you?
Walgreen's called Hal, your meds are ready for pickup.
Mark Wilson commented
Start monitoring Russian trolls on your comment boards. You're losing readers, like me
Mark Wilson commented
Start monitoring Russian trolls on your comment boards. You're losing readers, like me
Big W commented
Your comments section is hijacked by Russian bots. It becomes very obvious anytime the story is about Trump. Do your readers the respect of disabling comments, especially on Trump news.
doug Lockman commented
You have a terrible Russian Bot problem in the comments section.
Hal commented
@MidiMagic - I fail to see any logic in your theory that Yahoo tolerates Kremlin sponsored Russian trolls because they share ownership with HuffPost under the Oath umbrella. As an aside, I checked your very prolific post history, and it reveals a distinct obsession with so-called "liberal bias" throughout the media, at least any media that does not hew to a hardcore rightwing ideology or wacko conspiracy theories. Regarding those Yahoo users who call out phony so-called "conservative" posters and identify them as prolific mercenary Russian trolls, quite often one is virtually indistinguishable from the other.
p.s. What is meant by "Nut"????
Hal commented
I would be delighted if anyone from Yahoo would seriously respond to my comment posted ten days ago. Naturally I'm not holding my breath as you continue to ignore this grave assault on American democracy and continue to profit by raking in ad revenue.
Hal commented
The Yahoo News comments board is being overrun by thousands of Russian internet trolls, bots and cyborgs. It couldn't be more obvious. Anyone who's been paying any attention knows this is an active and aggressive internet campaign run by Russian intelligence at the direction of totalitarian tyrant Vladimir Putin. The objective, quite successful so far, is to weaponize cyberspace - to spread propaganda and disinformation, to sow rancor and further inflame political divisions among Americans, with the ultimate goal of undermining our democracy and weakening our global alliances and influence. WHAT IS VERIZON/YAHOO DOING ABOUT IT?!
Are you thrilled by the exponentially increased participation on your news comments board - resulting in vastly increased ad revenue? Are you ignoring it just as long as you can, as other huge internet companies have done? Are you waiting to be hauled onto the congressional carpet to account for your non-action like your big brother internet companies [Facebook, Google and Twitter] were today? Are you going to do the right and patriotic thing, that is, move proactively decisively and aggressively to identify and stamp out this very real and very grave threat to America? Or are you going to ignore it as long as possible regardless of the damage done, while putting your profit margins and share price ahead of American democracy and global peace and stability? Inquiring Yahoo users, indeed all decent concerned Americans, would like to know.
Now that Marissa Mayer is out, who IS currently the top dog overseeing Yahoo News these days? Is it 'Oath' CEO Tim Armstrong? Since the Verizon buyout it's hard to figure this out, what with Yahoo being sliced, diced and distributed among various 'divisions'. Bottom line, WHO'S IN CHARGE of the Yahoo News comments board, WHAT ARE YOU DOING about this Russian cyber invasion, and WHO'S GOING TO TAKE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY for inaction ? Again, inquiring Yahoo users and all decent concerned Americans would like to know.
p.s. I can hardly wait to see the responses from Putin's Troll Army to follow. At least it will make it that much easier for you to identify them. I wonder if they earn their rubles by the hour or by the post?