Restore commentaries! Where is freedom of speech?!

Эрин - commented
the same group of people thumping their chests over so called "free speech" is the same group of people who ruin it for everyone else -- right wing extremist nut jobs pushing their misinformation, conspiracy theories, hateful rhetoric -- these people are using Yahoo's comments section as a free forum to spread their garbage, & it ruins the experience for the rest of us. I would rather comments just be turned off altogether and let the "free speech" crowd go troll somewhere else.
Daniel L commented
Kill comments. It's drive-by twitter, populated by reactionaries and idiots that feel entitled to be able to shout their ill-informed takes at the world and whine about literally everything that doesn't align with their beliefs.
It's not a town square, it's a bunch of people in a city council meeting shouting conspiracy theories after somebody stole the gavel. It serves no purpose. No substantive arguments occur: it's a never ending flame war of semi-anonymous users.
c b commented
Yes this is the most talked about topic here. Please restore the comments, it is our town square. Just block those that threaten physical harm towards others and those that start name calling on either side.
ray carr commented
The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution applies to the government denying free speech. Not to a business like Yahoo. Yahoo is not Florida governor desantis.
TJ commented
Stop 🛑 the non-comment BS, and let the people give opinions! Now, this mess in the Ukrainian, holy crap Joey B! Chernobyl! How many civilians are working there under both NATO/UN Alliance to help clean up the former USSR MESS! Now bombing and attacks near the forbidden 🚫 zone! GIVE ME A PRESIDENT AND ADMINISTRATION WITH SOME BALLS! GIVE ME A PRESIDENT WITH GUTS AND A GOD GIVEN BACKBONE! DEMOCRATS ARE WORTHLESS! GIVE ME A PRESIDENT WHO IS WILLING TO GO KICK ASS DAMN IT! GENERATION Z WELCOME TO YOUR COLD WAR! MAY GOD HELP YOU ALL! GENERATION Z, GET READY TO FIGHT A WAR, CAUSE THIS GENERATION DOES NOT HAVE THE BIOLOGICAL TOOLS TO FIGHT WHAT WE ALREADY FOUGHT AND WON! I WILL FIGHT FOR GENERATION X2.0 THAT WILL KICK GENERATION Z TO THE CURB BROKE AND PENNILESS AS THEY DESERVE TO BE! Joey B, God should punch you and your fellow Democrats so hard all of your soul shaders!
Care411 j commented
This is #26....... The 26th ranked comment has to do with comments. clearly rather than consolidate them yahoo has no interest in allowing their customers to speak, have a voice or opinion. They demand you buy their product and buy their services but then go the f*ck off. Go upvote #26.
Tim Pallokat commented
This VERIZON MEDIA one of the most leftist liberal BS companies out there. They have an agenda and want to shove it down your throat. So NO apposing views. Yup corporate greed. DUMP your VZ phone and data plan go independent make a stand people!
Gerald Bryant commented
true they dont have to allow freedom of speech,they should want to.
the mere fact they dont speaks volumes of their character.and this
platform -
george your words are useless commented
you call yourself an American i would guess, yet you have no clue what the first amendment actually means. just another follower.
Zilla Von Alias commented
Freedom of speech does not apply to private platforms. You're more than welcome to go on the street and bark your nonsense and see who agrees with you there.
Thomas Oblinger commented
Learn what "freedom of speech" is! This is a private business, not a government entity. If Yahoo! wants to moderate, they can, just like the newspapers do in the old "Letters to the Editor". If you want to add instant, uneducated commentary on an article, or politicize it, or comment on a headline without reading an article, take it to your FB page or something. I just want to read articles without hearing what the drunk guy at the end of the bar thinks.
Greg Jones commented
When you sign a "terms of use" free speech has some (beneficial) restrictions. Lies are not and shouldn't be protected and we have a lot of folks that are challenged by truth.
Want to see a free for all, check out the CSCO forum...
Stoner Proud commented
Their real goal is to silence those who disagree with them and don't care about what you really have to say!
Deborah Schafnitz commented
A year of not comment based on your "Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting." It appears that you do not want any other perspective on your articles. One news story comments - A holdover from the Trump administration - Where are the articles about all the Obama holdovers that didn't support Trump???? Very evident that you are NOT news but propaganda!!
Leon Barnes commented
You could sell article comment,s for 10 cent.s a letter. OOP,S no no no forget it.
Jörch commented
Tante Yahoo verarscht uns doch nur
donald foote commented
add buy commentaries
Storm Crow commented
How long is "temporary"? it's been about a YEAR now!
Robert commented
I am all for comments as long as they aren't profane or attacking people. Let's have some decorum then comments should hopefully return.
Benjamin&Katie Baeten commented
Its time we just leave. why should we continue to use and support a structure (yahoo, etc.) that is intent on demolishing America. If no one listened..... they wouldn't even be a problem anymore. Quite honestly, I'm just not interested in buying the propaganda that they are selling me. Besides, the comment section in my opinion fuels the fire, but doesn't really change anyone's mind or the outcome. if you want change, just delete your yahoo account. for a substitute email and The Daily Wire for news (along with others). Goodbye Yahoo, Facebook etc. I wouldn't be surprised if THIS somehow was censored. It would be an honor.