Scoring - New scoring categories and functionality
Requests for new scoring categories and general functionality.
Some of the most highly requested scoring categories are:
- Wins + Quality Starts
- Opponent OPS
- TB/9
- HR/9
- Net Wins
- Total Walks allowed + Total hits allowed

Brock Ehmer commented
No way. Never do this please Yahoo. Quality starts is just another lame stat added by media to make themselves feel important. It's not relevant to me as a true fan of the game.
David Hewitt commented
I would be in favor of changing the Wins Category to " Wins and Quality Starts". An example would be a pitcher (SP) has pitched 7 innings, 7 K's, 4 Hits, 0 Walks & 1 Run, let say, with his team leading with a score of 2 to 1. Then the relief pitcher(s) allow 2 runs making a final score 3-2 and the starting pitcher receives no win even thou he had a quality start, the way things are now. Lets receive credit where credit is due for a good starting pitcher. A relief pitcher receiving a Win just because the offense scores runs on both sides to allow the score to be 5-3, reflecting another twist to the 1st example, and the RP may only pitch 1 inning getting the Win instead. Starting Pitchers should get credit for all Quality Starts.
Old Croc commented
Not interested in adding Quality Starts. Leave it as it is...a win is a win. And a win for all managers/teams in the league.
Just another stat to manage and not needed. -
Kirk commented
This category would solve a huge dilemma for us.
Michael Allan commented
Please Yahoo!
Aaron Sauceda commented
Seriously, why has this not been added yet? You'd think it's such an easy (and obvious) fix, but it still doesn't exist. Please add for by 2017!
Michael Allan commented
This is what Tout Wars uses. If its used in one of the most widely regarded expert leagues, why isn't it available on Yahoo as an option?
Rob Podlesnik commented
Yes - we need this badly. Please add as a 2016 category.
cool guy commented
neeeeeed this for 2016 cmon
Timmy commented
Please add this!!!
john commented
Yahoo, PLEASE catch up with the rest of the fantasy baseball world and implement this scoring category in Roto and H2h!!
Anon commented
Agree, this category should be an obvious add
Cool Guy commented
please implement this for 2016!!!
Anonymous commented
I like this and all for it.
I also think yahoo could be a bit creative (talking to you product managers) and come up with a variant on the QS. It's bs that if I have a pitcher go 8 innings deep and they give up 4 runs I lose the QS but someone who only goes 6 innings and give up 3 gets the QS. Here is one way of doing it that would be really interesting.
5ip 1er = QS
6ip 2er = QS
7ip 3er = QS
8-9ip 4er = QSTo answer some questions:
-Pitcher throws 5.2ip and gives up 2er they don't qualify for the QS.
-Pitcher gives up 3er in 6ip (does not qualify for a QS), but then throws a clean 7th inning (gets the QS)
-Pitcher gives up 1er in 5ip (gets the QS) then in the 6th inning gives up 2er (QS is taken away).This would really allow the top pitchers to gain the value they deserve. It weeds out the good from the bad.
Scott commented
W+QS makes total sense, plus you already can do Hold+SV, so Yahoo, or just Y!, please make this happen. May the Yahoo God have mercy on our fantasy baseball hopes for this season.
marshall pearson commented
Backed hard
Ben commented
Would love to see this implemented this year
Timmy commented
Great argument for it here:
Timmy commented
AND other sites already have it.
Timmy commented
Great option for the Wins vs. Quality Starts argument in a 6X6 league.