Scoring - New scoring categories and functionality
Requests for new scoring categories and general functionality.
Some of the most highly requested scoring categories are:
- Wins + Quality Starts
- Opponent OPS
- TB/9
- HR/9
- Net Wins
- Total Walks allowed + Total hits allowed

Timmy commented
Timmy commented
Add Wins + Quality Starts as a category.
Brett Isaacoff commented
any chance we can get this implemented for the 2016 season?
PATyson commented
How many categories do ya'll want GEEEZ
How about K's to a lefty on a Full-Moon Tuesday?
Nash F Birnholz commented
I had this idea about a year ago and posted it (called the category "quality wins"). The idea I suggested was that a win be worth 1/2 and a quality start be worth 1/2, so if it's a quality win, they get the full point, if it's only one of the two, they just get 0.5, and if it's neither it's a zero.
I think the problem is that baseball simply doesn't track this. They track holds and saves as two separate categories, there's no overlap between the statistics there, so having a "saves+holds" category is doable since you get either one or the other. In this case the categories totally overlap and the system doesn't automatically differentiate. I think it's possible, and would be the best category ever (because I thought of it), but it would be a lot of work for the developers.
jonathan knadle commented
yeah i agree with this. also add Alex chi chi Gonzalez (TEX) to the player pool.
Martian31v commented
This might actually work. And i never agree to changes in 5x5 Roto. It seems to satisfy the "disgruntled" SP, from both sides, and without creating reactionary changes to other categories and player values. Meaning no other category is effected, and no SP gains QS value. This should reflect in 0 value changes. If you ran a simulation mock, there should not be significant value changes to SP. If that is true, then you can apply the new metric and squash that debate. Martian.
Brett Isaacoff commented
I'd originally posted a suggestion to add a QS+CG scoring, and now the link redirects to this...
IMO combining Quality Starts with Complete Games provides a more well-rounded stat for comparing Starting Pitchers, while QS+W still leaves room for RPs to contribute to the category...
Scott Maxey commented
If Holds + Saves is a possible category, then Quality Starts + Complete Games should be as well.
Devin Henson commented
Anonymous commented
Yea lets do it. Sounds great.
Anonymous commented
I can tell you now it's too late for this season.
kellen polan commented
A lot of managers in my Roto league last year were complaining about the inconsistency between their SP quality outings and their ability to record wins. I love the quality start category but it's always fun to root for your SP to win the game and not just post 6+IP <3 earned runs. QS + W would be a fun category because it would add wins as an added bonus making the Kershaw Wainright Scherzers a more valuable asset to your team. Hopefully this new category will be approved and implemented for the 2015 season. Thanks Yahoo!
Andrew commented
I agree. While QSs are a better reflection of a pitchers value, fantasy baseball wouldn't be as fun without Ws. This is a perfect compromise because it doesnt requiring an extra SP stat, which would effect the value of SPs.