Scoring - New scoring categories and functionality
Requests for new scoring categories and general functionality.
Some of the most highly requested scoring categories are:
- Wins + Quality Starts
- Opponent OPS
- TB/9
- HR/9
- Net Wins
- Total Walks allowed + Total hits allowed

Daniel Sciarrillo commented
YES, JAY, YES! They need to get this done asap. COME ON YAHOOOOO. GREAT GREAT suggestion here. help out the people!
Jay Cohen commented
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
bumping again. these category options would be helpful to have for 2022 and beyond.
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
this is the first ranked topic. why shouldnt it get implemented? it's gotta be easy and would make a lot of your loyal users happy!
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
still think these above categories would be a great addition for 2022! come on yahoo!
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
lets get it done yahoo. great ideas here!
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
the categories above would be great to have as options, yahoo! tons of support here.
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
i know, firsthand, from one of your product managers that these category requests are waiting in bandwidth and i am hopeful yall can add them asap! please. thank you.
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
let's get W+QS and BB+H done, folks @ yahoo!!!
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
W+QS, BB+H, and SIERA. for this season PLEASE!! many others have posted this clearly and want this to take place for 2022!!!
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
Please add new scoring categories for fantasy baseball for 2022: 1-BB+H (total walks plus hits allowed...not WHIP...whole numbers, not a %). 2-W+QS (total wins plus quality starts earned). 3-SIERA (sabermetric form of ERA). I see that some of mine here are some of the most highly requested categories listed above. Let's get these added for THIS season please! thanks!!!
Van Burnett commented
Love the idea of Wins + Quality Starts. My league of 21 years spent a ton of time this off-season debating Wins or Quality Starts, or having each of them. But after long debate, we agreed that the combination of these in one category would perfectly balance out the Sandy Alcantaras vs. the Adam Wainrights etc. Ultimately, it would bring a really nice balance of the best pitchers in the league, still let Relievers impact Wins, but reward some talented starters whose offenses/bullpens don't help them with Wins. Additionally, it seems like it would be an easy programming addition.
Mike Price commented
Add a limit for the number of games started a teams pitchers can have in a week. Same idea as innings cap, but with starts
Edward Reed commented
I have been asking for this for years now, and it's all over the message board. It's outrageous it hasn't been added. There is a raging debate between QS or W; having a category that awarded 1 point for a QS or a Win (no double counting) would allow for the best of both worlds.
Another option would be to have a category that is "Wins by a Starter", so you can use Wins but don't have to deal with "fake" reliever wins.
It's inconceivable that Yahoo! can't figure this out over half a decade
Jorbert Scholastic commented
“Wins+NonWinQS” as a single stat
I want to keep relief wins and reward quality starts that aren’t wins, but I don’t want to have both Wins and Quality Starts as separate stats.
Zach Pressley commented
No kill Wins as a stat, its not a pitching stat is a team hitting stat.
Sabastian commented
HR allowed is currently an available category to use for pitchers, but not HR/9. In head-to-head categories leages, as opposed to points leagues, using HR allowed as a total-sum number inherently incentivizes you to not start pitchers once the team you are playing has given up more Home Runs than you. With HR/9, in categories, a good start from a pitcher would bring down your ratios, and still be effective.
In addition, the HR allowed as a total # causes the league rankings for pitchers to be quite out of wack, heavily trending to mis-represent relievers who of course have lower numbers given their lower workload, and therefore makes it harder for managers as a whole to evaluate trades between Starting Pitchers & other positions.
HR allowed is of course a good stat for points leagues, who can balance it accordingly to their other variables, but it doesn't work effectively as a total-sum number for categories leagues. It is still a valued factor in Baseball to want to use for fantasy, though, and the addition of HR/9 for pitchers for categories leagues to be able to use instead would be the perfect fix for this issue.
Thank you.
Daniel Rossillon commented
Myself and managers in my league have discussed some additional optional metrics that we think would improve the Yahoo! Fantasy baseball experience for us:
OPS Against for pitchers- Should be easy enough to calculate and would be more all-encompassing than WHIP.
Defensive Runs Saved for hitters - I think we can all agree that the current defensive stat categories for hitters right now are terrible. I’d probably prefer defensive WAR, but that is probably too complicated to calculate. This stat would at least be a huge step in the right direction.
Alex McCormick commented
Why would anyone go away from ratios?
Seth Eric Cohen commented
Nothing has convinced me more of the ineptitude of you people and your disregard for the people using your product. Make the change now!! Stop playing games it's been 5 years of me writing these ridiculous feedback posts to get the most simplistic basic thing done. DO YOUR ******** JOBS!!!!