Scoring - Maximum Innings Pitched option for Head-to-head leagues
Requests to add maximum innings pitched requirements for H2H leagues. Currently, this feature isn't supported in H2H leagues.
Alex commented
Thids needs to be added ASAP. It should be easy to do and should've already been done. Come On!!!!!!!!
Brett commented
I’ve been waiting for this feature for years. Streaming is dumb imo. If you like streaming, great. But our entire league hates it and as of now, we have to govern it by the honor system because Yahoo refuses to add a simple starts/week feature.
Anonymous commented
where the vote against button?
Anonymous commented
where is the vote against button?
Anonymous commented
where is the vote against button?
Anonymous commented
In points head to head league, pichers can help get you a lot of points. It would be great to limit the starts to what you wanted. We are able to limit pick ups, but a team could load up on starters and we want to keep it at ten. Its a feature allowed on other platforms.
Kyle Burger commented
Need a “maximum IP” for Head-to-Head Points League or “Start Limit” to prevent excessive steaming.
Ben commented
Yes, good suggestion. Not just needed in H2H points, but H2H category leagues, too. We have a maximum number of SP starts per week (13) but it's basically just the honor system. Your competitors like Fantrax and I think CBS have this ability.
Jeremy Zulauf commented
Max IP needs to be implemented. Puts everyone on even footing. You're not simply streaming to win. In H2H pts format you can't steal catagories with having one great start. It all cumulative pts. but when someone has a heavy arm week and they use ALL their pickups on SP's you can't catch them. Please fix!
Anonymous commented
Having a 2-week championship match-up (and maybe even a 2-week semi-final) negates the advantage of the streaming strategy and makes for a fairer result too less flukes.
Anonymous commented
Streaming is a legit strategy. Start up a custom league that discourages it if you don't like it.
Brandon commented
Please set a max innings pitched or max starts per week for weekly H2H category leagues, this is a major flaw.
Chris Beck commented
Came here to say this. Please add max IP this year yahoo!!
Andre M. commented
I agree. The commish should be able to put a max on starts per week for starting pitchers. People just stock up on starting pitchers and stream pitchers all week. Batters stats become meaningless.
Ray Williams commented
Email me @ I will show you how I do it in my three leagues. Also, need a co-commish in my D-League.
Ray Williams commented
Try putting negative points. I've run a point league for years with no maximum acquisitions. Bad pitchers should hurt you just as much as good pitching helps
.... .... commented
One way to prevent streaming is to allow the commissioner to require a minimum amount of hitters and pitchers.
If the league allows up to 23 players on a team. The commissioner can determine how many hitters and pitchers of that 23 players have to be rostered on a team.Example if a team can have up to 23 players on a team. 13 of those 23 players have to be hitters and 12 have to be pitchers.
Or require teams to have a mandatory starter for each position for every game.
jeff hansen commented
This is a horse **** idea. People that have a stupid 7.0 limit who only play relief pitchers would be at an advantage. If I have a bunch of pitchers who pitch every 4 days and twice a week, I should be penalized because people don't want to add more pitching and use their NA spots for hitting? Stupid idea. I get it. But stupid.
Los Angeles Dodgers6807 commented
our h2h points league has become nothing but a streaming SP league. Yahoo needs to come up with a rule to prevent streaming. as it is now, whoever streams the most, wins. perhaps a maximum innings rule would take care of the situation. i enjoy playing points baseball as long as mindless streaming is prohibited.
Los Angeles Dodgers6807 commented
our h2h points league has become nothing but a streaming SP league. Yahoo needs to come up with a rule to prevent streaming. as it is now, whoever streams the most, wins. perhaps a maximum innings rule would take care of the situation. i enjoy playing points baseball as long as mindless streaming is prohibited.