[Chat/Message Boards] Message Board Removal Feedback
Feedback regarding the removal of message boards from Fantasy Baseball in the 2023 season.
Fantasy league message boards are not going to be available for the current season however you can still access historical message board posts through your fantasy profile. You can continue to communicate with your league via Fantasy Chat, email and commissioner notes. Moving forward we are investing in chat as the best place for league communication and will be adding threading, pinning, polls and more. We welcome your feedback below about how your league used message boards to help us make future improvements.

Michael P. Dooley commented
With increasing frequency I am getting Chat notices for posts and transactions in a Notice for League "A" but these are for activity in League "B".
Woefully inadequate messaging system and I also now notice that Yahoo pages take much longer to load, apparently waiting on some background data download. Is this due to Chat data???
If so............
amnesiac commented
"gathering feedback"
I mean....
Tim Patterson commented
It is unacceptable to consider yourself a legitimate fantasy league host and not have a message board. It is the most basic "feature" to have on any website that connects people. Imagine if police dispatch used emails instead of radios.
Anonymous commented
Bring back message boards or at least just admit you don't want to pay for the staff to do it.
Michael P. Dooley commented
Chat has made "some" improvements but still has a long way to go.
1. Chat posts do not generate E-mail messages to managers that want to review and log these posts. Particularly for a League Commish - a date stamped and searchable database that can be stored and accessed offline is needed. Ditto for polls and League Votes.
2. Chat posts cannot be sorted - searched or filtered for keywords, managers or even a date range. Same for "updates" or "Transactions" or to isolate Adds or Drops or Trades.
3. Migration between - All - League Chat - Updates should be available in all views or via a selction link in all views on Laptop or Desktop view and in Mobile App. Entirely way too much scrolling is required.
4. Suggest that Updates could be renamed as Transaction Log or just Transactions.
The above could be a start........toward a more functional messaging system.
sRe commented
BRING BACK THE MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
christopher lambert commented
Customer is always right. Customer wants Message Boards. Get over yourselves and bring them back.
Rev Jim commented
Chat is still utterly horrible, and Yahoo still doesn't give a ****.
Dennis Ace commented
With all the comments against the lousy chat why don't a bunch of you switch to ESPN or CBS? Maybe they would listen if they lost a lot of leagues. I'm in 5 other yahoo leagues and nobody likes the chat. They all want the message board back. Nobody seems to pay attention to the chat so messages and conversations don't get followed.It also makes it hard to get your draft date set up or any rule changes you want to put in place when only half the league is paying attention to the ****** chat feature. But yahoo asks for feedback but then doesn't listen to it. I'm going to be switching my leagues to ESPN. They allow 2 week playoffs too. I'm done with yahoo.
Dennis Ace commented
everyone in all my Yahoo leagues hates the new chat. I'm in 5 of them. Nobody pays attention to it, so conversations and messages are not followed regularly. We all want the old message board back. I am in a couple of ESPN leagues and it is a better set up. Maybe if enough Yahoo leagues switched to ESPN or CBS then they would get the idea that we don't like this ****** set up.
Marx Sid commented
I am in a number of Yahoo leagues and I speak for most pf the players when I say we hate the new CHAT program that replaced the original way. I dislike it so much I am joining some ESPN and NFL leagues instead
Andy King commented
The new web interface is terrible.
1) we don't need mugshots, plus it all takes up too much room now
2) the old click on position to swap roster spot worked - the new drop down option doesn't work
3) bring back message boards. Yes I also use the app but for some things I don't want to use my phone -
Paul Frost commented
Please return the message boards. The chat feature is terrible in maintaining league communication. At least bring them back for private leagues.
hardyworld . commented
The fantasy chat has not been available on the website for MONTHS. We need a way to easily communicate league business on the league page, in ALL leagues. Please restore the message boards ASAP. Or at least provide the fantasy chat box with ALL the Yahoo-promised functions in ALL leagues.
Murat Şekercan commented
agree! Additionally, it'd be better to have the option to use more tools on league message board such as "bold, italic, colors and bulletpoint".
zgocalbears zgocalbears commented
agree, re-install league message board.
zgocalbears zgocalbears commented
If multiple teams/managers have different perspectives on an issue, the message board contains those ideas and is a good resource to make decisions on the league.
David Morrison commented
I don't understand why we can't have the league chat as well as the message board.
The message board was a very useful tool commissioners as well as gms. Everyone I talk to that does fantasy sports thru yahoo is very disappointed with this change for seemingly no reason. Why mess with something that has worked for years.
Please reconsider this change Yahoo cause it's a horrible change -
Sccit Tha Shit commented
is this some kind of a sick joke? the chat isn’t nearly as good as the message boards were and every participant in ever league i’m in feels the same. why not keep both?????
Richard Coupez commented
Please put it back, you are destroying the football experience