New 2024/2025 format
don't like it, don't change. New format will make me move to another browser.
dude ster commented
they don't care about what you want. there mind or AI says new is good for you.
only way to teach them is to get rid of your AT&T cell service and sell AT&T stock.
i switched cell provider while back because of them, stock is next......................... -
C R commented
Well, this new change ruined the Yahoo experience for me. Previously yahoo was the first thing I read every day, thanks to the changes it will be some other news aggregator. You guys were doing a good job with the site's design and selectable news interests and sources. Now I just get fed what ever, most I could care less about. Thanks for screwing up a well working and liked platform, I'll be going somewhere else.
Gary W Hultgren commented
Take MY Yahoo away and I'm out after years of supporting Yahoo.
Larry A Bjork commented
The new format does not let me customize the layout to show the content of what I have now. For example, the Bible Study tab allows me to select the daily Bible verse to display. I don't need/want to see all the sports and entertainment news on the new Yahoo website. Please let me keep my current myYahoo customized homepage.
Helena Burke commented
New format is for the birds. My Yahoo is better cuz its MY filters and what I want to see....not what Yahoo wants me to see. I want to keep my personalized page. I live and breath by MY page, with MY settings, MY financial details, MY news picks (which is slim to begin with). DO NOT remove My Yahoo......PLEASE.
Giselle Leyva commented
Please do not take away My Yahoo personized page from me!! Who on earth came up with such a crazy idea. The My Yahoo users are very happy with it as it is, and have been for decades of using it. I have all my data, personal links, information of my own interest. The new Yahoo is boring, awful, chaotic, all over the place, imposing information and news that I do not want. VERY BAD, VERY BAD IDEA, YAHOO PEOPLE. YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY YAHOO. We users are evidently very angry for this decision. You SHOULD RECONSIDER!
S. Bethlehem Cohen commented
The new format is ridiculous.
ay R yz commented
I DO NOT like the new format at all and removing My Yahoo will make me go away also! I like my customized page and I CAN'T stand the new homepage and more than I likes the old one! My Yahoo only please!
Ken Jossenberger commented
Like to current Home Page, leave it be.