New My Yahoo is terrible
the new my yahoo is terrible. if forced to use it I will find another page. Been using My Yahoo for 20+ years.
Dan Miccolis commented
The new Yahoo home page leaves an awful lot to be desired. Whoever decided to make this change to a grade school level page needs to grow up. Please don't change it to this silly and ridiculous ...whatever you want to call it. If you do, welp SEE YA!!!
Michael R. Wheeler commented
The LINK that is embedded in the button that follows "My Yahoo will be going away soon. We're building a new to show more of what's interesting to you.", which says "Try it out" is the same URL as the MyYahoo page that I am on. It does not link to a new version of MyYahoo.
I agree with all of the users that object to Yahoo removing the MyYahoo page(s) we rely on for daily information. It is not a well-reasoned decision. Leave MyYahoo alone!
Tom H Sutphen commented
The fact that I have an email address tells you how long I’ve used this feature. You must have been on the team that determined we needed to change the formula for Coke. Don’t fix what’s not broken. Its all about the money. Controlling content and advertising widgets allows you to pull in more ad revenue. Problem is, the usage numbers on which you base your ad revenue will drop precipitously when you take away this customizable format.
Giselle Leyva commented
Please do not take away My Yahoo personized page from me!! Who on earth came up with such a crazy idea. The My Yahoo users are very happy with it as it is, and have been for decades of using it. I have all my data, personal links, information of my own interest. The new Yahoo is boring, awful, chaotic, all over the place, imposing information and news that I do not want. VERY BAD, VERY BAD IDEA, YAHOO PEOPLE. YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY YAHOO. We users are evidently very angry for this decision. You SHOULD RECONSIDER!