Bad Idea. Leave it as it is!
Just leave My Yahoo unmodified. I have it as my homepage with my Portfolio, lots of Yahoo plus lots of RSS inputs from sites not available in the Yahoo "Add Content" menu. My Yahoo is great and do not want an algorithm fed substitute. I will move to an alternative RSS site if you implement the your new site. I have looked at your new It is bad.

dude ster commented
they don't care about what you want. there mind or AI says new is good for you.
only way to teach them is to get rid of your AT&T cell service and sell AT&T stock.
i switched cell provider while back because of them, stock is next......................... -
Richard C Smith commented
hate the new homepage . I want my own home page It is what I am interested in my a bunch of junk I could careless about
Patti Sollami commented
I don't understand why you couldn't fix the issue instead of removing it. I hope you plan on bringing it back at some point. I will no longer read your home page. I've deleted the Yahoo link from my home page and now only show Yahoo Mail. I was ready to open My yahoo up, and I realized it was no longer there. So frustrating to now have to add my links to my browser. There were several that I had saved the links and now no longer know what they are. Very disappointed.
Michael Morgan commented
Couldn’t agree more! Please don’t take it away!
madjid mozaffari commented
Dear friends, please don't discontinue RSS Feed, I need this service badly, you shut down this service for your Canadian customers first(a few years ago), so I moved to the American one. News feeds that I get are not in english and my life is depended on them, I already have Yahoo News on my Home-page and there is nothing else in your new page that I need. I understand there are fewer people than before that are using RSS Feed, but the ones that do so would have no choice to move their Home-page to another websites and even move their Yahoo mail to that one(.eg. Microsoft's Edge & Outlook) but I don't like to do that. For the sake of your old customers, I demand you again, do not discontinue RSS Feed in your new layout.
Your Canadian Neighbor, Madjid
Thank You -
MJ Iwillnevertell commented
Looked at the My Yahoo replacement with what you think is "interesting to you." Nothing on that page is interesting to me. The trending news is nothing I care about. The For You section is filled with irrelevant content. How does replacing my self-curated RSS feeds and widgets that apply to my life somehow an "improvement"? You'll lose me as a daily user if I have to build an RSS aggregator somewhere else.
John Dalziel commented
My Yahoo is my life I have it set up with RSS feeds I want. I do not want an AI feed. Leave My Yahoo the way it is and if you must start a new for idiots then that if fine. Do not mess with My Yahoo.
John -
John Dalziel commented
Terrible Idea