Yahoo Homepage
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6549 results found
More Conservative ideas and less Liberal reporting
At present you seem to only present viewpoints/stories from Liberal/leftist papers/magazines. You cannot be HONEST if your ONE SIDED
Yahoo! Bring back the comments! Yahoo sucks without comment forums!
Yahoo! Bring back the comments! Yahoo sucks without comment forums!
put your comments back chicken *****!!!!!!!!!!
put your comments back chicken *****!!!!!!!
Bring back comments or there really isn't much reason to read them. What are you afraid of?
Bring back the comments on news articles. What were you afraid of allowing comments? The comments are the reason I even read the news articles.
Yahoo has just put a nail in their coffin by disabling comments. Been loyal since they started. Goodbye Yahoo.
Yahoo has just put a nail in their coffin by disabling comments. Been loyal since they started. Goodbye Yahoo
Yahoo does not want comments from REAL people. When will Yahoo learn that most Americans DO NOT care what actors think. Or the *** lives of
Get rid of your stupid reporters and get some journalist in there. They are not in touch with reality. Most Americans DO NOT care what hollywood people think, nor do we care about the *** lives of others that you constantly post as stories.
The new homepage is experience is terrible!
Get rid of that floating search bar and put a headline by the featured photo
Bring back the old Yahoo Homepage
I liked the old format better. Where are the comics, and the scroll-through news section?
get rid of scroll ads... thry are terrible, slow and laggy and believe now... i don't won't will never watch them and i am sure there are mi
they are terrible, slow and laggy and believe now... i don't won't will never watch them and i am sure there are millions also that don't also... if you run an article, run it on one page... otherwise it's worthless to watch... you want an ad on that page, make the page not laggy and keep article on that one page...
Does Yahoo! even read these "suggestions"?
For years I have read complaints about the lack of good News sources/articles and the constant click bait advertisements. Yahoo! used to be the go to source for legitimate news. Now what Yahoo! lists as news is mostly gossip and bias opinions. The constant celebrity "news", mostly the same non-celebrity celebrities, is a constant annoyance. As is the continuous push of articles reporting Twitter feedback. Twitter is NOT an accurate source for feedback or a way to prove popularity amongst Americans. If your users want to follow people on Twitter, they will do so on Twitter. I can honestly state…
Hate your liberal agenda
Hate your liberal agenda
Yahoo News, without the ability to comment, is basically Huffpost.
It will now be easier for you to push your Liberal-fueled 'news' among yourselves. The other side is leaving.
freedom of speech
how about you act as a platform and stop interfering in the expressed opinions of people. yes this means you might have to see something posted you don't like.. that's the real world. You force us to see your opinions, many that we disagree with, by the news stories and opinions you choose to present. Let's have a fair playing ground for all readers and responders.. or just close the whole page to non-paying viewers. You think I don't notice you shadow banning posts but I do.
Bring back comments
Bring back Comments
Bring the comments back
I won't be coming back to til the comments are back. Y'all are really trying to censor everything huh? I don't want to read your leftist propaganda. I want to listen every bodies opinion not just your brainwashing garbage
Out with the Survey, it is ****
Get rid of the survey already. You could have had a survey without doing away with the comments. You are just being biased and trying to get rid of the language in comments. You don't listen to people anyway. So why even bother.
i want to know why i can't post my openion on all your story's anymore
i want to know why i can't post my openion on all your story's anymore
- Don't see your idea?