All my posts gets deleted within 10 seconds
request why is every post or response REJECTED ? 99% is not abusive, insults, bullying or attacks, just truth and facts. So Why hasn't yahoo addressed my issues so far ?
Hello. While we cannot speak about specific comments, policy interpretations, or actions action in relation to specific comments outside of with their original poster, we seek to apply the Yahoo Community Guidelines as evenly, fairly, and objectively as possible.
mara jade commented
Get rid of OpenWeb! It 100% DIScourages conversation.
George Nunya commented
Thousands of others can comment on anything & everything but you're blocking every single comment I make; good, bad or indifferent, it doesn't matter. I guess I've offended the yahoo gods & those gods are too scared to tell me why. By the end of September if this isn't resolved I'll just migrate to another platform. Questions?
Amra commented
"No screaming. Use your inside font..."
Please tell me how that violates community guidelines. It doesn't. A year of rejecting every single post I make for no reason, with no warning. Don't give me a chance to appeal, as there is no indication until I leave that page.
Your "moderation" is completely fubar'd, your "thinking" non-existent, and your attitude of "WE ARE IN CONTROL" is despicable.
If I hadn't had this yahoo email address for 25 years, you'd never see me again.
Celeste Perrault commented
freedomk of speech freedom of speech freedom of speech
Celeste Perrault commented
freedom of speech freedom of speech freedom of speech quit being a typicall demo when it comes to comments
Bethe King commented
I commented that the subject of an article had done something mature - as in grown up, thoughtful, well-reasoned. I then got an email that my comment had been rejected. How on earth did complimenting someone get rejected?
Amra commented
Please tell me why that comment was rejected. Doesn't go against community guidelines. But then, neither has EVERY OTHER post I've made in the past year that you IMMEDIATELY reject. Never even paid any attention, never read a comment, never justified yourself. Heck, you didn't even give me a warning. Wish I could afford a lawyer. Wish one would take you on for lying to your "community". Things like saying the comment section being there for three days then closing responses 12 HOURS after the article posted. Rejecting every post from someone who's had a yahoo account for almost 25 years for absolutely nothing. Things like that.
You really need to stop trying to be as despicable as Trump. He's got #1 locked up...
. . commented
stop censoring conservative ideas.
Jonathan Mitchell commented
Admin is lying. Innocuous comments often are maliciously deleted, while threatening and insulting comments are routinely allowed to remain intact. I've catalogued dozens of such instances (as well as my unmet requests asking the company to address threats made against myself and other users). Yahoo is about to find itself the target of a messy, time-consuming and embarrassing lawsuit.
EDMUND URIE commented
Haven't you guys gone a little overboard with your censoring comments? Lighten up.
K Detmar commented
What you are doing in selectively publishing content, which ALWAYS leans left, is nothing more than election interference. Brought to you by the party of "defend our democracy." Despicable.
Tryg last name commented
I have the same problem. I can type the letter "a" and get rejected. I doubt Yahoo even looks at these coments
jimlinfl commented
Unfortunately, the Yahoo "Community Guidelines" and the entirety of Yahoo in general are skewed so far to the left you will not get a fair shake or have your center-to-right thoughts and values recognized on this platform.
walter lawyer commented
I feel freedom are take way just express our self from the news.
Rick La Jiness commented
fix this.....
Rick La Jiness commented
tired of my comments not being published...i have as much right as everyone else to state my opinion ...fix it
catherine m re commented
If a comment mentions no one's name, why is it rejected? If it is rejected instantaneously, it must be via AI or a bot. But an appeal should be reviewed by a human being with brain cells. This IS the United States and there is something called the First Amendment. If a comment does not threaten and in fact does NOT even name someone, it should be considered by a human before a determination is made.
Elizabeth Redwolf commented
I'm tired of your *********! You are literally inhibiting my freedom of speech to suit your libtard snowflake agenda & I will not have it any more. if you don't stop. I will sue you.
Elizabeth Redwolf commented
You have been actively & wrongfully removing my posts violating my freedom of speech. I'm an American citizen. & You are acting like sad little liberal snowflakes.
Ronnie Brunner commented
This is just a place for the users to "VENT"!! You are going to do what some unintelligent ****** says to do anyway!!