All my posts gets deleted within 10 seconds
request why is every post or response REJECTED ? 99% is not abusive, insults, bullying or attacks, just truth and facts. So Why hasn't yahoo addressed my issues so far ?

Hello. While we cannot speak about specific comments, policy interpretations, or actions action in relation to specific comments outside of with their original poster, we seek to apply the Yahoo Community Guidelines as evenly, fairly, and objectively as possible.
Tim Hess commented
You reject an opinion of mine but post obscene AD PAID FOR articles like this:
Tim Hess commented
Yahoo! You have some unnamed AI or someone not from the U.S. judging my comments and yet you allow this to be posted! Offensive! You are hypocrites!
Tim Hess commented
I live in the United States! The laws of the U.S. state that I get to face my accuser! Well, an automated response based on generic criteria is not a person! I want to face the PERSON that accuses me of their wrong doing! Yahoo is going to die on the vine when companies like Facebook, Instagram and others have found out you can't stop human's from saying what they think! Hey, maybe a little word in Trump's ear will change things, because you ******** never will! Millionaires breed contempt, and yet they think they know what is right. Have them live by their own rules they impose on us! ******** Yahoo and all of the employees that suck up for a job!@@
Amra commented
"FOXNews: We lied to you. FOX viewers: No you dint!"
That was rejected immediately, just like every other post I've made in the past year. No warning, no appeal.
Then I've had to open numerous threads for feedback, as you keep closing them.
I've also reported numerous posts for insults, false information, sexual innuendos, etc., to no avail. Seems you'd rather have insulting, false statements than me reporting them.You've gone from disgusting to slimy...
Tracy Brooks commented
why would a kind comment be deleted? I just say 'thank you for helping' and it gets one will answer WHY a kind comment would be a problem. I've emailed and asked and have never had a reply...going on well over a year.
Amra commented
"So, a Presidential pardon doesn't mean anything? Should we have kept investigating all the people Trump pardoned?"
Rejected immediately. Again. Why? No reason, as it doesn't violate guidelines. Apparently because somebody decided they didn't like me. Glad I don't have that kind of power. It would be easy to abuse, as is shown with me...
Amra commented
"Bigly sad that's the best you could do..."
Just my latest rejected-for-nothing post. I'll post here until you close comments for this one. You just don't want to hear how ridiculous you're being. Just un-ban me until I ACTUALLY say something that violates guidelines...
Amra commented
"Up-voting your own post out of desperation again, eh?" Rejected immediately. Never point out WHAT violated community guidelines.
Went to post it under "feedback" and in the couple of threads I've started on here comments are closed. Apparently you don't want to hear from me AT ALL. Ban me for nothing, then close any comment I make about being banned for nothing. I have to keep opening threads just to say ANYthing.
Helluva way to treat somebody that's been faithfully here for 25 years...
Amra commented
"Because you were the bully?"
Just don't want me pointing out how ridiculous your rejection algorithm is, huh? Banned for over a year for comments like that. Jeez...
Robert Wilber commented
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask. I recently posted a comment on a news article. The comment contained my own personal experiences. I even gave other news articles from a yahoo search that supported my experiences. For an unknown reason the comment was rejected. As this was my personal experience in relation to the new article being commented on, I am severely offended by Yahoo staff concerning this. Rejecting this comment belittles me and my experience.
How do I get an answer as to why my post was censored?
don frasher commented
Just had a comment rejected, and within a couple of minutes, had the appeal rejected. And yet, my comment was based on my years in my career of plastics production in food contact packaging, with an emphasis on biodegradable plastics. I made to derogatory comments. made points from within the industry that limits any actual widespread use. I have become really disappointed. Yahoo was at the forefront for years, provided great service and products. Now, not so much.
David Siegel commented
There have been numerous times when I tried to post about controversial topics, such as Hitler or the Nazis, e.g. The story was about that very topic, but if I used those words, you would reject my opinion. How can I be rejected for using the very subject of your own story? That is idiotic. I would have moved to another homepage and changed my email address, if it weren't such an inconvenience, but I still might.
james lynch commented
a few years ago yahoo. stop allowing me to post comments to my page due to my behavioral issue, now that the community standard are in place and i have obeying the standards, i am asking yahoo to restore my privilege to start posting again. please!!!
Jeff Kaeser commented
When I read the articles on my Yahoo feed there is a comment section at the end. How come when I comment on the article in question, and it gets posted, I am unable respond to any commentary posted by another reader to my comments.
Alexander Potter commented
When auto rejecting comments, please give us the opportunity to go back and edit. Say I write a long comment and it gets flagged...I can't go back to try to fix it, I may not know what caused it to get flagged, and it's hard to start over again with the same train of thought.
Steve Riggs commented
Stop the censorship! What symbol did CA BAN? Why do you dimocrats think you know what is best for everyone?
Pam commented
Like winz, I've never used a bad word, or used any type of foul language. I cannot even say, "I agree", without being blocked.
I no longer spend my time on Yahoo news, because I am not allowed to comment, while others post defaming and degrading messages. There are plenty of other places to get one's news.
winz harrison commented
I think you owe it to your readers to specify why their comment was rejected. You have a feedback box that I have used frequently and yet you only reply generically.
winz harrison commented
I have the same problem as David. I have not bullied, insulted or in another way violated guidelines. Early on, Yahoo did not allow emojis adn I didn't know that and I used laughing emojis. That's the only reason I used them. I have asked for an explanation but no one gives me one. I have seen other comments way worse than mine but they are published. It would be helpful if you told the commenter at the timw why the rejection. You have a feedback dialogue box...why?
G. Wayne Eisan commented
Yahoo are posting stories which are very misleading. The story by Elianna Lev concerning the PC Optimum members offers doesn't upset the majority of people. You complain about Loblaws use here but nothing about Costco where you can ONLY shop by membership. So hypocritical