fewer ads
label ads more clearly and don't post so many. literally 20% of the content on your homepage is ads. I use Google now. Yahoo used to be my go-to, now it's celebrity fluff and **** that doesn't matter. and ads.

lucy Ji commented
Why I can’t unsubscribe trash email?
leigh wilson commented
Why am I getting horrible big ads in my email feed?
David Bearden commented
Cut the ads so we may be able to read the stories.
Gary Martin commented
Why would you continue to push ads that cause screens to freeze? I’m dumbfounded
jessi maring commented
No more ads. Its overkill. I kno what I want and dont want. Stop trying to do that for me. Im a big girl and can decide for myself.
jeffery Horowitz commented
I don’t care about the comments removal. What bothers me are the incessant ads. They cheapen the layout and it looks desperate. I’m not enjoying visiting yahoo anymore.
Thomas Thrasher commented
No ads for bought and paid for accounts
Jodi Young commented
You as a company perpetuate racism by allowing money to dictate content. What more evidence do you need to show he is pushing nazi ideals in subtle and not subtle ways!?
Bryan Prediger commented
Those auto play videos don’t close after a stroll from view. Every time I click the close button marked X it opens a new page for its ads. It continued to do so after numerous attempts to shut it down. My question is why do you that? It was a Trump ad the last thing in the entire world that I would every click on. Still you managed to get 7 clicks out of me. Isn’t that called stealing or something?
Thomas Lussiano commented
Provide an option for yahoo news with no ads. I would be willing to pay for it.
Elvis B commented
I'm using Chrome on Android and the "skip ad" button for videos on Yahoo News Spain is just not working. When I try to skip the ad and press that button it takes me to the Advertising site. Other times when I try to press it the lower bar with the sound icon gets activated on top of the button and I'm unable to click it. I believe that this was done on purpose so people will click more often on the ads. Please check it and solve this issue because it's pretty annoying. I wanted to attach some screenshots but apparently I can't.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Elvis. -
C C commented
Ads have taken over the site and caused unreadability of content. Please adjust asap.
Anonymous commented
100% correct. There is very little REAL news anymore. All fluff and ads.