Its simply amazing the left wing tilt and completly untrue articles you allow on this site.. YAHOO is a total joke..
how about stop allowing completely inaccurate articles and far left articles take over your site.. funny how you never had these many negative articles about Obama and his ridiculous policies that crippled us in many different way.. YAHOO has became a joke.. are you hitting people from CNN?

David Dischler commented
The title of this eludes that Tiger Woods won't see his kids after the crash and the article just says he doesn't want them to see him in this shape nor deal with media.... This is just gross that the author wanted clicks so gave an utter and complete lie, but threw in the word 'may' and thinks that justifies it -
Aaron commented
When did it become grammatically correct to capitalize 'black' when describing a black person, but white is not capitalized when describing a white individual? Further, President was rarely capitalized when describing President Trump.
Brian Boyd commented
He’s opinion article is not news. He wasn’t there and is choosing his side and throwing others under the bus. This is sensational journalism again not news.
a fight broke out and punches thrown. In a building full of adults and cops there is no reason to fight.This comment is racist- Unfortunately, the two Black students from John Marshall who can be seen on video throwing punches have also been “disciplined”
They were assaulting kids too so yes they should get punished to imply they should get free pass is racist and by allowing his article to be on your site implies you support racism. In this day when nobody can say anything with our consequence where is his.
The fight between young boys is unfortunate and there is room to grow on all sides to to write such a racial article and to be published on Yahoo is a shame. -
Timothy Smyth commented
We need to protest 24/7 at every Democrat’s home and in Washington. We need to do to Biden what they did to president Trump. There will be no peace or unity with the criminals in charge.
Timothy Smyth commented
Thank you President Trump for the vaccines!!!!!!!!
Kamela Nelson commented
Why is Biden allowing so many illegal immigrants into the US when we can barely support our own country men? Americans are suffering from COVID issues with unemployment, less pay, inability to find jobs. Why are we allowing so many illegal immigrants in the US at a time like this. There are some coming in the border with COVID 19 positive tests and we haven't barely vaccinated 25% of the US. This is really a slap in America's face. Biden cares more for the illegal immigrants than his own countries well being!!
Angel Salome commented
My legal last name is "Negron". In fact, many Hispanics, most especially from puerto rico have this last name. Famous singers like Frankie Negron, musician Angelica Negron, sergeant Juan Negron. A David Negron just ran for congress in 2020.
Yahoo wouldn't let me open an account because my last name violates your policy because it has the word 'negro' in it. If you look at the history of Negron, it was slaves brought from Spain. This is the problem when you try and remove words from history just because you don't like it, you also cancel all the people that go along with it. You've now done the exact opposite of what you're trying to achieve. By trying to be more inclusive you've shut out a huge part of the population you are trying to include. Cancel culture doesn't work and I sure as **** don't like being discriminated against just because my name has historical meaning.
robert johnston commented
I hate your news feed these days. Everything is all about bashing trump and furthering the radical left ideals and agenda. your (fake) news is so liberal and radically left that it’s sickening to me...
Brian C Archer commented
Shame on yahoo for spreading misinformation
Brian C Archer commented
Yahoo has become a site of democratic misinformation platform.
Charlene Williams commented
Liberal PC media (Democrats) have never understood why average, working people were drawn to and voted for Donald Trump. This will be their greatest downfall in the years to come as they try to erase all memory with silly law-suits, political-vendetas and anti-American censorship. Imo
Dwight Smith commented
You may not know this because your collective heads are lodged firmly up your posteriors, but racism is not only a white thing. Other races are just as racist as some white people. I'm never going to apologize for being born white, just like I don't expect other races to apologize for being born their race. Pushing anti-white propaganda doesn't help anyone. You patronize the people you claim to be favoring. You're helping no one, and only virtue signaling to white apologists. It's as ok to be white as it is to be any other race.
Smooth J commented
The stories that you allowed to be posted or clearly opinion that aren’t even based on fact or reality. When you put something titled “disgraced Ted Cruz” based on lies it is propaganda. When any time a Republican accused the Democrats something and you automatically call it baseless or a conspiracy theory you are lieing. But yet when a Democrat makes an accusation it’s automatically true and fact?????!?!
Todd Yonker commented
Yahoo you are nothing more than the lefts propaganda machine. Your articles in no uncertain terms represent journalism. They are riddled with falsehoods and lies. Bring back the comment ability so readers can correct your ******** articles. You won't because you too have engaged in the nationwide sensorship of americans.
patricia ragsdale commented
Stop hiding news about democrats. You are nothing but a bunch of socialists. It’s a shame that you don’t want people to make decisions on their own. Keep praising the idiot democrats, people will eventually stop reading your stories
John Paynter commented
I am sick of reading, shock this or shock that and sensationalised headlines that have little to do with the actual story itself on yahoo news. If this keeps up I will be deleting the app
Timothy Smyth commented
We again see the democrats don’t care About Americans. They are a bunch of domestic terrorists, criminals, Chinese democrats. It’s sad to see them run our country into the ground. There will be no peace or unity as long as they are in charge. We need to stand together and defend our country against them.
Aaron commented
ROGER LOVE commented
Why did above article disappear??
Snowflake McDuff commented
I hope you all get a laugh... while reading this... on the 405 then bam. Karma in the form of a wall. You millennials suck juevos and should have been skeeted on your moms face