Why does Yahoo spread all these lies and disinformation
Why does yahoo spread all these lies and disinformation

c b commented
Vote Republican! They are the party of true equality among races. The democrats are trying to divide us and separate us by color and they are trying to give certain races special privileges.
c b commented
Yes no more CNN, pride or all black news outlets they just spew lies, hate racism and division in America
robert Graham commented
Fox News is entertainment show not news
jen smith commented
Yapoo is raciest and hateful! Yapoo is part of the evil trying to break down the world! Yapoo should change their tune before it’s too late!
Brian Ninkovich commented
Wow. Seems like all media is having a meltdown now that Republicans are speaking out about this silliness and lies about Trump now. Liberals all over news media are having a meltdown
Brian Ninkovich commented
I just seen an article and it was total ********. Why is Yahoo spreading these lies
Brian Ninkovich commented
Not sure why you have to review before posting. Suppressing freedom of speech?? Yahoo appears to be a arm of left liberal media and you suck