Yahoo Mail B5
Welcome to our Yahoo Mail feedback forum! This is a place for you to help shape the Yahoo Mail experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Mail.
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- Please search and vote before posting! If your idea (or an idea very similar to yours) has already been posted, please vote for it. Duplicated ideas may be moved.
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11 results found
Fix the verify link in settings
fix the verify link in settings
22nd ranked -
When I select a email in my inbox, select folder to move to, it take to sent folder. Sad. Do you test?
Your move to another folder is broken. And a problem. Why do I keep Yahoo as it has gone down hill from function to support.
45th ranked -
By not offering some feature that totally ***** up the page even after refreshing
I tried your prompted ' new contacts list .' It appeared once on the right side of the screen and then it screwed up my emails and much of it 'content' has just disappeared. What to do? How can I revert back from this wonderfully abysmal 'upgrade.'
45th ranked -
help articles
submit feedback link at end of most articles I've looked at doesn't work especially for negative feedback. Whether I check off on list or enter my own feedback, it doesn't get submitted.
45th ranked -
yahoo app not working on iPhone 11 pro max
I have purchased new iPhone 11 pro max and I tried several times to open yahoo mail using yahoo app but I failed please consider the problem
45th ranked -
Home page notifications not clearing
The home page notifications are NOT clearing once scrolled on The red dot with #'s of notifications does not go away?? Needs to be fixed!!
45th ranked -
button Unsubscribe
Since your last reform I can't press button UNSUBSCRIBE.
71st ranked -
attachment size limit
I keep seeing that I've gone over the 25mb attachment limit, but that larger allowances are "Coming soon." I've seen that message for a long while. Just when are we going to be allowed to attach larger files?
71st ranked -
I just opened my inbox to see that my mail no longer shows who the sender is. this is garbage.
I just opened my email to find a new setup...since when do we no longer need to see who sends email to us? I refreshed, thinking it was a quirk but it isn't. G.arbage idea
71st ranked -
Deleting a message from inbox deleted all my messages!!!!
Deleted a message from my inbox and the next thing I know, all of my old emails from saved folders were deleted!!!! Took me 2 HOURS to move them all back to where they belong!!!! Why did it do this?
71st ranked -
Emails should show up from the beginning not from where the previous email was seen
It is a matter of logic.
71st ranked
- Don't see your idea?