Find SOME way to filter out all of the Russian trolls!
Russian trolls are a plague on Yahoo comments. Most of them are easy to identify, because they are attacking Yahoo or other news sources, not the article or information in question. Also, Russian trolls generally have few comments, generally less than a thousand, and a quick review of their other comments can be used as the basis to screen them out and close their accounts. Get these Russian trolls OUT of Yahoo!
Disgusted In Democrats commented
Because the truth is "Russian"?
Americans are sick of the leftist tripe on Yahoo.
You don't have a leg to stand on son just like a liberal lunatic, you claim russia, russia, russia.
You poor thing.
Your TDS is going to consume you. -
Mike F D commented
this poster is right. Get the Russians off .... they are jealous of America and trying to undermine us with crazy right wing conspiracy theories. The Russians think that if they can spread doubt about America's courts, voting and news outlets, it will make America weaker. And they are winning. Get the Russians off.
Russia is a failed country headed by a dictator who murders thousands who speak out every year. Putin employs 250 people to work around the clock spreading lies in America. They don't have free speech in Russia and they dont want us to have it either. Anything the failed nation Russia can do to weaken America makes them look better. It's the only way they know how to fight. They do not have a democracy and they do not have capitalism. Putin is the richest man in the world and there are 400 oligarchs in Russia who along with Putin have 90% of the wealth.
GET RID OF RUSSIAN TROLLS. Dont stifle speech in America
Verizon / yahoo is biased. And Democrats tell lies, they removed comments because they can't handle competition bunch of cry babys.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
Donald Jones commented
Democrats are the trolls. They work for Russia and lie 24/7 about Trump
D L commented
The comments are so infested with propaganda trolls. They use and infect everything they can, even this page dedicated to feedback. Find them and ban them. Maybe some kind of identity authentication would be good for the platform. This can't keep going without increasing the cost to our political institutions worldwide... the good ones anyway.
Whyputaname commented
For some here who say that those with a lot of comments are Trolls.. NO, it is you who are the Trolls.. I have been on Yahoo since its inception.. It was the late 90's when Yahoo got started.. Thats why I have a lot of Comments.. Most people on Yahoo have been here since that time!!! When I see a lot of Liberal this and Liberal that, Liberal, Liberal, I called them out for Trolls!!!!... Of course I know who they are the Reichwing/Conservative/RepubliCon's.. Who want to turn Yahoo into Breitfart and Alex Jones.. Which it is not..
If you want to Insult, well, be expected to be Insult back.. The one I noticed about Reichwing/Con-servatives/RepubliCon's is that they can dish it out but when it slung back they have hissy fit and cry and blame everyone else even though they are the ones doing the Insulting!!!.. Typical for a Reichwing/Con-servative/RepubliCon!!!!...
And now on here you are pointing the finger like a typical ***** RepubliCon!!!!!!
Joe Richards commented
Dog Food commented
Someone with a "huge" comment count to me is a red flag that it is automated and/or organized. I tend to delete my comments after a few days to keep it "fresh." I also do not hoard old newspapers and magazines. I don't have time to re-read all the schoolyard insults either, while seeking an occasional pearl of wisdom. PLEASE fix the Abuse button! First off, stop using it as a form of censorship. I've been "flagged" and had comments deleted because I called a "reporter" out for reporting "opinion" as "fact". Nowhere in my comment did I violate the terms of service, threaten, or even use anything that could be deemed an insult. If someone "flags" many users, look at the content of what was flagged, and use their IP address, not their user name. The same goes for reply's full of insults. I've noticed some commonly used "terms" are no longer allowed, but Trumptard seems to have almost a protected status?
Eric Henderson commented
BTW simply having large comment count does not make a user a “troll”... in fact the opposite is probably true. A true “troll” account won’t last long as they will be flagged. I have been a member for way over 10 years... I am not a “troll”. Trolls live on BOTH sides of issues and strive to produce chaos. Take care who you label troll... driving long term users away is one goal for true trolls.
Eric Henderson commented
If we want yahoo to do something we all should start to flag the troll comments and explain WHY we are doing so. I have been stalked by trolls who openly use fake accounts and return under a new name if banned. It is easy to point at yahoo and expect them to wave a **********.... These trolls are very clever and can only be stopped if we work together to identify them.
Leslie Ford commented
The only time I hear the term "Russian troll" is when some lefty doesn't agree with something somebody else said and can't respond intelligently with facts.
Anonymous commented
Russian or otherwise, I hate all the comments that go after the person who posted something rather than commenting on what they posted. The name-calling and slinging around of "----ist" has gotten out of hand.
Lefty commented
Pardon me, It seems to me, when a post is disagreeable to far left or radical left yahoo users, they suffer from outrageous paranoia and proclaim the poster is a Russian troll. Yahoo users Big W, Mark Wilson, and karen have ALL replied to posts I've made, calling me a Russian troll. Because I don't agree with the radical lefts agenda is no reason to call names.
Anonymous commented
lets double our efforts in persecuting baptists and catholics.. we need to ban both groups from using yahoo,facebook
Hal commented
Just like the comments board, this thread too is crawling with Russian trolls on the Putin payroll and no doubt other foreign mercenary state-sponsored actors, all pretending to be Americans. Unsurprising, and just as I predicted when I started this thread 11/1/2017. before it was later inexplicably merged into another thread.
I started this thread and posted the original comment in this thread (now inexplicably downgraded to a comment appearing at the end of the thread) and addressed it directly to Yahoo management and moderators way back on Nov 1, 2017. As of today the thread has made it all the way up the rankings to 23rd, but it's still "gathering feedback" . When the **** are Yahoo staff going to get around to responding?
More importantly, when is Yahoo going to stop cynically greedily shirking your civic responsibility in favor of the exponential increase in ad revenue that you receive from the exponential increase in argumentative comment activity -- all spurred on by disruptive combative state-sponsored foreign trolls?
When are you going to address the very real threats to our American democracy and to our very system of government your inaction poses by allowing these combative state sponsored foreign trolls pretending to be Americans to run roughshod through the Yahoo News comments board -- dividing real American from real American through a targeted campaign of disruption, antagonism, propaganda and flat out lies?
CB commented
Agree with this comment. Too many trolls and stalkers in the comment section, and no way to block them from harassing you either. Mute doesn't work - they can still post to you, and everyone else can see it but you.
karen commented
seems like 99% of the commenters are russian or alt-right bots, trolls, & propagandists. except on weekends, then you might get more "real people." seems like every other one has 30,000 - 50,000 responses.
Eric Husher commented
Russian trolls/bots are quite easy to spot. They generally have less than a thousand comments, sometimes less than a hundred (because they have change their account name so many times), they can be completely irrelevant to the article subject, or make highly inappropriate comments, often in semi-literate 'English,' or are unfamiliar with obvious references that any American would know. If the article is in any way critical of Trump, or Russia, or talks about Ukraine, the Russian trolls/bots come out in droves. They are also highly critical of article sources, rather than the content of the articles themselves, and this is why you see them complaining about 'Huffpo,' or even 'Yahoo.' If they don't LIKE these articles, why do they bother to read them and comment on them? There is only ONE reason, and that is because they are PAID to do so, and that 'payment' comes in Roubles. YOU know it; I know it; so why isn't anything DONE about it?
J commented
I post a lot of comment over many years. In the past couple years I had a feeling Yahoo login's were being "borrowed" by trolls to leave comments. Today I found what looks like proof: a commenter's comments changed from hard pro-Obama to hard pro-trump. Yes, he may have had a change of heart, but it's just as likely that troll farms are gathering lists of compromised yahoo ids/passwords for their trolls to use temporarily to evade detection and create credibility.
The other symptom is that yahoo commenters who have only a few comments over years suddenly post a few political comments in a short time getting hundreds and thousands of thumbs. The odds of that happening even once are minimal, but I see it frequently.