Waivers - Customizable waiver processing time.
This will allow commissioners to choose when their league's waivers process. Currently, there is no option to change what time waivers run.

j lesser commented
I have been playing fantasy sports on Yahoo for many years. I am surprised there is not an option to change the time daily waivers begin and even more surprised that the chosen time is 3am EST. For my buddies and i, professional working people who go to sleep in the evening and wake up after 3am to have to put in waiver moves before the night games end, or even begin, makes no sense. We prefer yahoo to other sites for its ease and familiarity but we are forced to use a different website due to this inconvenience. Thank you for listening...
Mike M commented
Hello, I'm in Yahoo Public 36417 League and have stayed 12th on the Waiver list for the last few weeks while others in my League receive Players off of the Waiver wire without going down in their rank. I've noticed this happening to others in my League as well. Is the Waiver Ranking Broken? And I too enjoyed the old system of first come first serve. I've lost Number 1 Ranked Players to injury and had to wait for my player's status to be updated to be Droppable while others go after the player's replacement I've been stuck with not being able to replace my player nor is my waiver ranking bumped up to reflect the player that was lost and the time endured for that undroppable player's status to change to droppable. Please change this broken part of the Waiver Wire System. Thanks
Theron L. Lacey commented
What is wrong with the way it used to be and is still used on the other platforms, adds and drops at the moment their made. If it's after the games start, then it processes the next day. But at least you know the player you're getting instead of the possibility of having to wait another day without the an active player. I don't know why they changed to having to wait and bid on the player pool. That sucks.
Jeffrey Down commented
Time window is only in the a.m. which isn't good for everyone. If live out west the games can start mid-morning sometimes which limits ability to set lineups throughout the week, especially when trying to pick up players for the next day's games. Those on the east coast can access those players to pick up several hours ahead of time, unless I set my alarm for the middle of the night. NOT...
Tim Simon commented
We want to be able so spot start same day with availability to all daily after 8am so the guys that wake up
For work at 3am stop dominating the league with the best available starting pitcher every day. -
[Deleted User] commented
Basically, whomever is the first person to wake up has a huge advantage in any league. If waivers were a certain time from when they were released it would be fair for everyone, but at least allow commissioners to pick a time.
Alfred J Gangemi commented
Currently, you have to first place a player IL before you can make waiver claim. If you place two or more players on the IL, then you have no control on who you pickup if you place multiple waiver claims for multiple players on the IL.
There is no option to attach a waiver claim to a player and place them on the IL instead of dropping them, then this will be a huge inconvenience for our league throughout the entire season. There will be manual adjustments every week. -
K. Ryan commented
any time is going to ***** an owner in one time zone and benefit another owner on the other side of the country. So it really doesn't matter.
jason chaney commented
they have FAAB now so everyone has to wait until the next day and there is no longer any such thing as a FA, Id rather pick up a FA put him in my line up and move on with my life . now i dont even know if i got the player until the next day. **** sucks
Gregory Farrell commented
I had the same question about the 3am EST pickup time but I don't follow what waiver priority has to do with it. I don't understand why pickups can't just be made at anytime of the day and if the person has already played that day then the player does not become available on your roster until the following day (this is similar to how football functions, it just says the player becomes available the following week). I suggested they add a work around where you could schedule transactions to occur at a later time but the only problem with that would be what if someone else came along to acquire that player in the meantime.
Seth Eric Cohen commented
This single issue caused over a decade of epic fights in my league and the bitterness continues.
Not being able to adjust the transaction time, gave an edge to west coast managers. I understand the players need to be updated for the following day and 3 am seems like the right time, but leagues should have the option of not letting players who were set in lineups be cut until 6-9 am EST, so as to not give westcoasters making midnight pickups have an advantage.
RocknRef commented
Other way around Dillon
RocknRef commented
Yeah, true for us night workers but you guys have an advantage on making roster adjustments on daily lineups that I often miss because I'm sleeping. Football is the worst for me. I have to set an alarm for 9am pacific time after a few hours sleep to make moves. Same in Baseball especially for day games. So, it swings both ways, and Yahoo already made changes to their public leagues in Basketball comcerning your complaint. As a result, Indont play those anymore because East Coast 9-5ers have too much of an advantage now
Dillon H Hess commented
Yes! This also gives East coast managers a big advantage.
Bill commented
Is it possible to change the waiver/day turnover time? As set currently, the first available time to complete Free Agent pickup and still persevere your waiver priority position is 3am EST. Based upon this setup, individuals (with ample time on their hands) are rewarded for staying up or waking up at 3am EST and making a pickup. This puts some individuals (most of whom have a job) at a disadvantage as 3am EST just does not work someone who is on a typical work schedule. Not sure if this is doable, but the current setup is less than optimal.
David Younker commented
Allow leagues to specify when their waivers process instead of sometime overnight. There are 2 benefits to this. 1) It can be set for a time when everyone should be awake and can make a post-waiver add. Example: east coast people would be up earlier than west coast people. 2) It would allow for leagues with nightly waivers to continue using the Daily-Tomorrow setting but allow the added player to be available the next day. Example: set waivers for 11 PM and the claimed player is available tomorrow. With its current 2-3 AM time, it's already the next day and therefore it's actually 2 days until you can use the player.
Anonymous commented
Leave it as is tough luck early birds don't deserve all the worms.
Aaron Shand commented
YES. We should be able to select the time of day we want waivers to run. Every other major fantasy baseball platform has this.
Chris Csendes commented
Exactly what I want. We have players spread from Portugal to California.
As a side note, the Red Sox play one game a year that starts at 11:05 AM, so I would have it go through before that...
Joe13 commented
Right on Stefan! You said it man - not having it the way you explained is killing our weekly league.