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Yahoo Developer Network & Verizon Media Developer Network
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85 results found
In the Yahoo Developer Network, no option of APIs permission to read yahoo email I need to access. What is the solution?
In the Yahoo Developer Network, no option of APIs permission to read yahoo email I need to access. What is the solution?
43rd ranked -
Please publish some information about
Please post some information about even if that information is a simple ackowledgement that, while this API does work, it is no longer officially supported by yahoo. Here is an example of the API working:
43rd ranked -
API limits on Yahoo! Fantasy Sports API?
Can some sort of limits on the API be posted?
And is it possible to increase these API limits?
I'm running a small app (~1000 requests per hour at peak), and I'm getting locked out.
Any information on API limits is greatly appreciated
24th ranked -
OAuth2 Token request fails
There had been some problems during my investigating Yahoo Oauth2 development.
1.Confidential client or public client:
Yahoo explains that one should choose confidential client for traditional web application and choose public client for mobile apps, native apps, or single-page apps.
If confidential client is selected, there will be client secret genrated; and if public client is selected, there will be no client secret generated. Plus, if I choose public client, which I did for DONATION, when I request OAuth2 token, I can choose to not include client secret as one of the parameters and it looks like that that is…43rd ranked -
Invalid Token Revocation Endpoint Server Metadata Value
The information returned from includes a server metadata value of "tokenrevocationendpoint". According to RFC 8414, this value should be identified as a "revocation_endpoint". It would be REALLY nice if that value could be changed to be consistent with the RFC.
84th ranked -
openid connect sample valid URL request
I follow the instruction in for the sample URL request, but I keep getting error "Developers: Please specify a valid request and submit again." I expect I got the yahoo login page to login as yahoo account. any ideas?
43rd ranked -
sign in with yahoo logo
if i want to add sign in with yahoo to the website, is there any official logo image to use? I cannot find it
43rd ranked -
could not find yahoo mail api in nuget in visual studio
Have you any yahoo mail api in nuget package in visual studio?
I want to read , write and send messages through yahoo mail api using oauth 2.0 . Please share complete document regarding access yahoo mail messages (all operations) after oauth2.0 authentication.24th ranked -
Show OAuth scopes for accessing OpenID API on application page.
Yahoo is in the transition from its Social Directory API to OpenID. It is not clear when OAuth scope to use when requesting authorization to read the 'public extended' profile data of a user through the OpenID API. The list of "Yahoo Scopes" ( seems to be incomplete and/or outdated. It would help tremendously if the application detail page displays the list of applicable scopes given the application's API permissions.
24th ranked -
Flurry API eventParams table doesn't return all fields of the event
I can't find a way to get all field events that I'm sending to Flurry from my iOS app.
I'm sending to Flurry events that have multiple fields (e.g. 'country', 'url', 'id'). Then I expect to have these fields returned by the API in the eventParams table. Amongst dimensions, I'm selecting paramName and paramValue, and selecting them as fields as well (paramName|name, paramName|id, ....). However, this results in an aggregated response, which only contains one of the parameters and counts for it, but not the original events I've sent.
Which API should I use to get the events I'm sending…
15th ranked -
84th ranked
user info api not return email address
as you mention in this article
that you follow this
but when we call api it return name and other things but don't return user email. we need email to register user in our website directly. but now it was a wasting time.43rd ranked -
Thank you! You have no idea...😥
I have no idea. I just want to tell you my story. I’m going to leave TONS out for the sake of time and in the hopes that someone will read this.
My initial hack took place nearly six weeks ago. It was small stuff at first changing your username or password for my online banking. Stuff I could fix although it was annoying. But it began to escalate very quickly and soon and I could not access any of my accounts. I could not get Google or any of the other major software companies to listen to me when…43rd ranked -
How can I get API access to DSP platform?
How can I get API access to DSP platform via existing Yahoo App (works with Native API)?
Now requests to endpoint return 401 error.Could you, please, provide steps to request API access to DSP.
43rd ranked -
Yahoo OpenID not passing email parameter
Yahoo OpenID Application is not passing email parameters for newly created Yahoo Accounts even after processing through to authorize and create the associated profile
As far as the data being passed I have two accounts, one created many years back and another that wouldn't allow me to even post on here as it stated that I do not have a verified email address which makes me believe that something has changed in the yahoo authentication process to not allow for use of new accounts with open login.
The payloads below are what I am getting back after querying …
43rd ranked -
43rd ranked
The Redirect URL Validation For Applications Is Broken. Please Fix.
Fully qualified host names can be 253 bytes.
The 'Redirect URI' entry (it's really asking for a redirect URL since it needs to know the host) for a new application under 'My Apps' will not allow a valid https://<host>.<domain>/<redirect URI> unless it is quite short.
This is a valid redirect URL in the real world, but the yahoo application page disagrees.
This is a total of 93 characters.
The only URL I could get to work was this:
https://swisson.ibmcloud.comand that's not a valid redirect URL.. it's a short FQHN.
The validator also locks up on…
15th ranked -
43rd ranked
'Create new application' fails after pasting redirect URL. 2 days ago it worked
BUG: create new application fails. I tried also to enter this URL by hand:
Application failed in the middle of input. It looks that max-length is too small13th ranked -
Allow the word 'yahoo' in a redirect URI
Why in the world can you not include the word "yahoo" in your redirect URI???
This prevents developers from using common libraries such as python-social-auth where the behavior expects redirects to go to ""
What kind of ridiculous requirement is this??
15th ranked
- Don't see your idea?