Charts are too cramped; cannot read numbers for bollinger bands
Cannot read the numbers for bolinger bands chart is too cramped. If you cannot fix it just go back to the classic view.
Does anyone who writes the program actually trade stock? Maybe if they did they would understand how hard it is to use the chart as it is and how good the classic version was. Sad that you destroyed your entire stock trading platform.

Michael Cassady commented
Dreadfully designed page. It's looks like someone took handfuls of alphabet soup and threw the mixture against a wall.
Gary Swedlow commented
boycott yahoo until classic is restored
John C. Scharrett commented
If your tactic is to make the basic version so bad that it will drive people to pay for a Premium service, your strategic vision is flawed. Bottom line: If people completely lose faith in the basic platform because it is so bad in very basic ways, why would they pay ANY money for something so unreliable in its basic form.
Incidentally, there seems to be a huge push to integrate my actual portfolio into this app ... I certainly now have the impression that there could not be a WORSE decision than to do that.
Tina Hicks commented
1/17/25 I dont know if this is old and I dont use bollinger bands to much but they look fine to me, maybe they have been updated. The info when you hover over them is very small, could be a little bigger I agree hard to read.
Gary Swedlow commented
boycott yahoo until classic is restored
Geoffrey Yamauchi commented
I have never gotten a good response through the emal, soooo how about this headquarters phone number is 408.349.3300. They are closed after hours but they do accept messages. Dial the number and push 3 to leave a message. Sometimes people have to hear voices and not an impersonal email.
barton biller commented
i have moved to "FOXFIRE" as my default & i am looking for a new "Stock Market" charting app. Any ideas ?
Also , thinking of moving back to Gmail ..