Have correct country location
choose location to get correct weather report for usa not australia
Hi, we'd like to hear more about this issue. Could you please contact us at help.yahoo.com so we can look into it?
We're also available at https://x.com/YahooCare and https://www.facebook.com/YahooCustomerCare/.
Lori Kawzinsky commented
why can't someone in your organization just change the format to the correct country that the person lives in or give them the ability to do so.
Lori Kawzinsky commented
Please help restore my country to United States......................
Lori Kawzinsky commented
Please help......
Lori Kawzinsky commented
Change country to where yahoo user is located. United States for me.
Lori Kawzinsky commented
I really appreciate your help in this matter.
Lori Kawzinsky commented
Cannot even order from favorite sites because of wrong country.
Lori Kawzinsky commented
Please return my mail to United States. It was switched to Sydney Australia and I have never been there. Causing alot of heartache..........