Strenghten spam detection! When I mark emails as spam, similar emails are still NOT detected as spam, improve this
Strenghten spam detection! I regularly mark emails as spam, but similar emails are NOT detected as spam, make you spam detection more proactive. I am getting too many in my inbox
Sushil Singh Rathone commented
Dear Sir
Greeting of the days !!!!!!!!!!!
as per probilam for this id right now mail not going or not comming so please chicked and right ihis id
Thanks & Regatds
sushil Singh -
Lets Just Go Somewhere commented
I have spent a considerable amount time running tests, sending emails to my own Yahoo addresses from other Yahoo accounts, Outlook/ Hotmail, and Gmail accounts and have been having major issues for several months, where important and legitimate emails are landing in spam folders and not in the inbox. Sometimes an email will land in inbox and other times an email from the same email address contacting me will land in the spam. The other accounts at Gmail and Outlook and Yahoo emailing me have not been blacklisted, are not on poor IP addresses and do not have a spam reputation. I have been in touch with Microsoft who have fixed the Machine Learning problems on their end as they were experiencing the same issues but it appears that Yahoo is now the issue, where most likely their Machine Learning models are not functioning as normal and legitimate emails from addresses with perfect account reputation are landing in spam folders. Please fix this. How do I get in touch with an engineer at Yahoo or some one who can fix these issues? Very concerned. Please kindly don't suggest marking the emails as not 'spam' as this is literally impossible to do when you don't have contact details for some one outside of email, when you don't have their phone number or other methods of contact. This issue needs to be fixed please.
Joseph Winter commented
For the last few weeks (since July 2024), tons of spam has made it straight into my inbox. At least 10 a day of all junk that previously did not even appear previously in the 15+ years i've had this email.
It's not just me either
Tony Patterson commented
Doing things correctly.
Julie-Marie Green commented
2 or 3 times a day I'm having to go through my inbox and remove multiple spam emails. I'm not talking about the clever ones, these are obvious due to the mixed font's and mixed upper and lower case letters. Why isn't the spam bot picking these up anymore? started about the same time as the ad box overtook my preview pane. Common Yahoo, what are you playing at. I really don't want to have to change my email after 30+ years
Peter Brown commented
I'm drowning in spam in my Inbox. 30 today and counting. The recent deluge is ruining my Mail experience. You need to improve your filters
John Doe commented
I signed in and tried to vote on a similar posting, but voting was not allowed.
John Doe commented
If the first character in the subject line of an email is NOT a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or blank, then PLEASE send this email to the SPAM folder!
lee langer commented
spam filters need sorting, im getting 15+ spams a day from very obvious senders
Harish Patel commented
Auto delete spam emails every week like trash instead of every month. Hope you adopt this. Thanks.
Ashley Kent commented
I get spam daily with a return email address that's pure gibberish. If I can spot this surely any AI program could do the same. Can you guys figure out how to stop this annoying BS?
Ashley Kent commented
If it isn't a known contact or just gibberish, mark it as spam and delete it.
We don't need the garbage. -
Thank you for the feedback. Yes, we will share with with our anti-spam team. In the meantime, please keep marking as spam, not delete. It will help your spam filters. Thanks!