Yahoo Homepage Mobile
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83 results found
How do you filter out a particular subject?
How do you filter out a particular subject. More than half of the suggested articles are about the Royal Wedding. I could care less. I'd like to see real news.
88th ranked -
191st ranked
Closed Captioning on your videos
Why don't most of your videos have Closed Captioning? I know that many of them might come from an outside source, however if they're being chosen for national featuring, shouldn't they be made accessible to ad much kid the population as possible? Now that so many of the stories have videos, I don't come to Yahoo for my news very often. I'm hard of hearing due to a medical issue and reading along makes it much easier to understand. This is an accessibility issue for many thousands of people every day. Please caption the videos prior to posting them.
272nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?