Green Raven
My feedback
9 results found
2nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Last day to copy and paste your leagues over to FANTRAX before Opening Day. Don;t suffer all year on Yahoo. It is a sinking ship.
FANTRAX rocks. So very glad all our leagues moved there. Great message board, totally free and excellent customer service that responds ultra quickly to any problem and respects you in the process. Tons of other features too.
Thing is FANTRAX is a fantasy sports platform only. They are always looking to improve their platform. Not tear it to pieces like Yahoo is doing. I doubt Yahoo platform will even exist by this time next year after all the football and basketball leagues leave too.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
To Andrew Woitkoski - just make a quick FANTRAX account (user name / email / password just like here) and copy and paste your league rosters over there.
FANTRAX is totally free and is dedicated to fantasy sports period. Excellent site and where most of us Yahoo refugees have gone. Tons more options there and of course an excellent Message Board too.
FANTRAX also has great customer service. They get back to you quickly and treat you with respect.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Gustavo Rojas said: " I've been playing Y! fantasy sports since the late 90s and I am seriously considering moving away from it even if I need to pay for joining a system which offers the board. This is your last chance to get this right."
Yahoo is NOT bringing the Message Board back here but the good news is that FANTRAX is totally FREE. No need to pay for a good Message Board or anything else FANTRAX offers. It is light years better than Yahoo so copy and paste your league there.
Hey FANTRAX actually has support that helps you and answers questions promptly and takes and acts upon suggestions as well. You are treated like you matter there so why are you or anyone else posting here still here? Go to where you are treated with respect and go quickly. Don't suffer through another full year of Yahoo!
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Join FANTRAX now. You can still "keep" your Yahoo leagues as in all you do is set-up an account on Fantrax (email / user name /password just like Yahoo account) and copy & paste your league over there.
FANTRAX is free. It has a great Message Board (with thread options) and threaded chat app available on laptop as well as phone. Tons of other stuff including very good service.
FANTRAX actually replies to your questions, problems and even suggestions. Imagine that. A platform that does it's job right.
Then just let your league over here rot on the vine. Our commish didn't even bother to delete our leagues here though some players deleted their teams in them. Doesn't matter if you delete your league here or let it rot...same difference for us managers.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Move to FANTRAX.
Stop ******* your head against the wall that is Yahoo. FANTRAX is free and has a great Message Board and threaded chat app and tons more stuff Yahoo doesn't have.
And FANTRAX has an excellent Help service that listens to you and actually "helps" you and they want your suggestions as well. It is the leader in fantasy sports platforms now because that is all it does and they take pride in what they do.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Jeff you said "That said, do people recommend ESPN, CBS Sports, or some other site at this point?"
Seems the lion's share of us have already move to FANTRAX.
Just sign up for an account just like you did at Yahoo. Select a user name and a password and which email you want to use is all you need to fill in. Then just create a new league and copy and paste your old league over there.
FANTRAX is free and 100% better than Yahoo. It ONLY is a fantasy sports platform so it is focused on same and listens to suggestions and has an easy to reach help area where questions and problems are dealt with at warp speed.
Also a completely functioning Message Board among it's many wonders, hahaha.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Someone said - "I will strongly be advising all of my leagues on Yahoo to use a different site next season (since it's too late to change now)."
It is NOT too late. Just copy and paste your league(s) over to FANTRAX. Piece of cake.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
One word solution to this problem. FANTRAX!
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Why are people still posting here to a deaf and dumb Yahoo? They do NOT care about us and will NOT bring the Message Board back. Time to stop ******* your head against the wall here and move on.
We moved to FANTRAX weeks ago and love it. It too is free and has way more features than Yahoo ever had including ... you guessed it ... an excellent Message Board.
FANTRAX has taken in tons of former Yahoo transplanted refugee leagues so far this year and is happy to take in more since it is 100% a fantasy sports platform and is totally focused on same and LISTENING AND RESPONDING to it's fantasy managers.
Imagine that. FANTRAX is a platform that has it's contact and help info in the main header and not hidden in grayed out fine print on the bottom of the Overview. A platform that actually works WITH you and not against you. A platform that treats you with respect. Come on over!
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
p j hicks asked: "How can I delete my 2 teams. Since we don't have a messages board I do not want to play in my league on yahoo"
Simple. In main (black colored) header scroll over "Baseball '23" and select and click on Overview. Your teams are now visible. Click on gray gear "Edit Teams" above them on right. Then simply click on DELETE TEAM.
In other news ... FANTRAX is great. Come join us.
Green Raven supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
PJ Johnson below said: "Just moved everything to FanTrax. If you aren't going to do something about literally every owner posting to bring the message board back, what's the point of asking for feedback? Sad to go, didn't want to go. We've been here for almost two decades. Each day I use fantrax it gets easier and more familiar though and Yahoo gets further into the rearview mirror. You did this to yourself Yahoo."
Please listen to him!!! Why are any of you still waiting around waiting for Yahoo to do what they clearly will NOT do? Leave a sinking ship behind. Save your leagues and move!
Our leagues moved (copied and pasted is how it works) over to FANTRAX couple of weeks back. Easy to do for your commish! And best decision we ever made!! FANTRAX is day to Yahoo's night.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
FANTRAX has been a great platform since our move couple of weeks back from this sinking ship called Yahoo. Come on over.
It is free and tech support responds really quickly to any questions you have. Also it has a subject threaded Message Board and threaded chat (options for whole team, single person or small group of people). On laptop you can even toggle the chat to go full screen and look as big as a message board.
It is obvious Yahoo isn't bringing the Message Board here back so why is anybody waiting around here any more? Just move to Fantrax or another platform now.
And "moving" doesn't mean you physically move your league away from Yahoo so it remains here anyway. (More Copy and Paste then a "move"). So you still have it as a back-up if you want so you risk nothing by "moving" to a new platform.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
@Brain you said: "Wow. If ESPN or CBS didn't suck so much, we'd have moved our leagues there long ago."
Hint, FANTRAX does not suck and is totally free and lots of us have already moved over there. More options. Just not a threaded Message Board but threaded chat app that actually works and can be viewed on laptop in big screen mode.
They have help that responds really REALLY quickly to any questions you send them and also 2 free phone numbers to talk to people live if needed.
Baseball is Fantrax's first love too and they don't treat it like the ugly and neglected stepchild Yahoo has always treated it here to their football and basketball leagues.
Come join the countless Yahoo refugees that have already found a really great home there.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Andrew below said: "Yahoo keeps changing/taking away features and making the site worse. The only reason we're still here is that every other platform is somehow worse. "
That simply isn't true. We moved to FANTRAX couple weeks ago and it is a hundred times better. Has everything we need and more. Including a threaded Message Board, threaded chat, email that actually works and it all is totally free.
Also customer service that gets back to you ultra fast as well as a couple of free phone numbers you can use to talk to a human live if a problem is too complicated to use a ticket submission. Imagine that. A platform that actually communicates with it's users.
Meanwhile here there is only stone cold silence here as nobody at Yahoo cares about any of our leagues.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Ryan below said: "If this change sticks, my leagues (24 years, and 14 years) will die this season."
Save them. Just port them over to Fantrax who actually CARE about baseball fantasy leagues. It is free, has a message board with threads, a better chat app with threads and an email system that actually works as opposed to Yahoo Sports Email that doesn't.
I had a question and easily submitted a ticket to them they answered in less than 2 minutes. They also have 2 free phone numbers so you can talk to a live human being. All is FREE.
Leave a sinking ship and jump to FANTRAX now! Yahoo is in it's death throes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
@Derrick Thompson - our 3 dynasty leagues moved there a week ago. Fantrax is great.
Time to have your old clunker here hauled to the junk yard and climb into your brand new, sleek and totally free new car...Fantrax.
And they actually respond quickly if you have a question too. Not like the total frozen and arrogant silence here from Yahoo.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Kevin said: "Way to go Yahoo,first you get rid of the Message board, now the chat isn't working what next Email or should we just go back to sending "smoke"signals to communicate..."
Well Yahoo Sports Email never has worked right. Reply to one of those emails and 80% of the time the original sender never gets your replies. So now they are 3 for 3 in not being able to communicate on this decaying platform. So smoke signals it is. LOL!
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
@Dan who said "To all of those recommending the Fantrax site I am having difficulty in even registering to get in. I have tried several different Usernames--of all things--and Fantrax says that name already exists despite my names being very unique. I really would like to check this site out but this fact alone already is making me somewhat suspicious of Fantrax. Any other sites available without all this drama?"
There is absolutely NOTHING suspicious about Fantrax. There is NO drama there. If everyone else finds it great and easy to move to Fantrax then chances are you are doing something wrong. Add some numbers after a chosen user name just like you would signing up for an email account.
Or maybe you signed up for an account (though not a league) years ago using that email address and since it doesn't match up with the original user name you chose then then they think your are the one acting suspiciously.
It isn't rocket science and since no one else has had trouble making a quick account there then obviously you are doing something wrong. Fantrax is a good, solid professional site and I am loving it there and had no trouble at all. My user name choice was taken and I simply added a single number to the "name" and then it became a unique name and registered immediately.
Still doesn't work? Then you has an account in the past with them using that email address so try another email address -- everyone has several -- and try again.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Shea said "I suggest a "boycott" until the message board returns...delete any league you've created (and haven't drafted), and create a backup league on ESPN or Fantrax in case Yahoo really doesn't give it back to us."
Believe me once you move your league to FANTRAX you will NEVER move back to Yahoo even if they did fix this major problem. Which we know they won't. (And the other problems they have never fixed through the years ever).
Once you cross the Rubicon you don't go back because FANTRAX is a hundred times better. And because no one should come crawling back to Yahoo after they treated us this way.
Take some pride in yourselves and your leagues people and go port your leagues to a site like FANTRAX that listens to you, treats you like a real human being and has great customer service.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
To jim acosta below who said: "Because of my poor vision I was a big fan of the dark mode on league pages."
FANTRAX offers both two light modes and two dark modes options in the free leagues. Set what suits your vision best.
Also FANTRAX has a good MESSAGE BOARD and a chat that is far FAR superior to Yahoo's. (You can view it in full screen option on laptops, multiple customized threads too if you want). Also their email works fine as opposed to Yahoo's "Sports" email where 3/4 of all replies to something sent via Yahoo Sports Email never get through EVER.
Again, FANTRAX is totally free to use and has already taken in countless Yahoo refugee leagues fleeing the insanity and arrogance of Yahoo here. Our 3 dynasty leagues moved there in a day's time and so glad we did. You don't have to hang around here and hit your head against the wall anymore. Just MOVE. It is super easy.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Jack Neff said: "I think you may be able to post invite links to your Fantrax or other leagues in Commissioners Notes to help move people over if you're a commissioner. Or use the email function, of course. That's about the best you can hope for on your way out."
What we did is our commish ported over our rosters to Fantrax then he simply sent out invites via it's email option. Done and done. Very simple and smooth transition.
Fantrax is great ... and free. And they immediately respond to any contact with them unlike the crickets you all hear here. I am so VERY glad we moved!!
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Someone below asked "does anyone know any other good sites for fantasy baseball? I like being the commissioner to my leagues and it seems that yahoo doesn't care how frustrating this is. ESPN?" And Edgar below also asked about sites.
First, no. ESPN self-infliction itself a few years back into a pile of garbage too.
Our leagues and most people posting here saying they are leaving are all going to FANTRAX.
1. FANTRAX is completely free.
2. FANTRAX has a Message Board and a chat app far superior to Yahoo's already. On a laptop you can even view the chat in full screen mode.
3. FANTRAX has far more features and allows rosters / IL slots / NA slots (Minors there) to be expanded a lot more than here. Your commish gets to decide. Also far more minor league prospects than in the database here.
(And prospect slots are kept open all year long and don't disappear in the spring like Yahoo's clunky system does. No need to make prospect protection lists there, woot!).
4. FANTRAX has improved leaps and bounds over the years because they actually LISTEN to their users and continue to do so.
5. FANTRAX, unlike Yahoo here, puts lots of love and attention into their Fantasy Baseball platform because Baseball seems their first love. With Yahoo, the baseball leagues have been their ugly step-child for years and years. All they are into is football and a little into basketball. It is pretty clear Yahoo ignores baseball here.
6. Finally I know it is hard to change but since we have changed over 5 days ago I wonder why I was so against change for all these years. I wish we had changed over a couple of years back now.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Do I hear the sound of crickets from Yahoo? No response except doubling down on their own idiotic decision.
We moved to Fantrax 3 days ago and I am loving it over there. Free and it has a Message Board and a full screen (laptop) advanced chat both. Imagine that, Yahoo. Oranges and apples both.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
chad m, you asked: "Luckily there are other options besides Yahoo. Anyone have any suggestions on better sites. I'm not running a 14 team fantasy league with out a message board."
I'm with Oceans45 below. Our 3 dynasty leagues moved (ported) to Fantrax on Thursday and Friday. It is way WAY better. It is free too. And always improving since the people there listen to their users. Only regret I have is that we didn't move a few years earlier. See you over there hopefully.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Hey Oceans 45 - Fantrax has improved recently. Like guy said below offline drafts are easy there. The chat feature if used on laptop can be clicked up to full screen so it is like the size of a message board to read now, And, oh yes, a for real MESSAGE BOARD.
Also Fantrax is free and specializes in BASEBALL Fantasy as it's main sport whereas Yahoo only cares about Football and some about Basketball. They obviously hate the Baseball part.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
One word to save your leagues - FANTRAX.
It is free, has a very nice Message Board and the chat app is better (laptop option to click it up to full screen). Also a reputation for improving a lot constantly as in LISTENING to fantasy players' needs and wants. They also specialize especially in BASEBALL Fantasy which Yahoo has neglected as it's ugly step-child for years.
Our three dynasty leagues are all moved over there intact now thanks to our on the ball commish and co-commish.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
First of my three leagues is semi-moved to FANTRAX already and rest will follow.
I already like FANTRAX much better just in the first hour so don't be afraid to make the change.
Come join us and see what a MESSAGE BOARD looks like again.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Our Leagues just voted today overwhelmingly to move to Fantrax because of this issue.
The absolute ARROGANCE of Yahoo to first blindside us with this stupid move then not to even discuss this rationally or listen to those of us who actually KNOW how these things work and what the impact will be says it all.
It is obvious Yahoo decision makers haven't ever played in real (private keeper or dynasty) Yahoo leagues and are totally ignorant of how all this works and apparently don't care to learn. Well it is exodus time from Yahoo. I'll see a lot of you guys posting here over on Fantrax soon.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Well this has gotten totally crazy. Everyone is telling you what you should have already known. Without the Message Board you can't use Yahoo ... period.
Yet all we get back in reply from you is crickets.
This suggestion site and the "Help" thing is pretty well hidden to keep us away anyhow. But we found it despite your efforts and still you try to hide away and not address this major issue. Yeah such a really good business model that.
I hope someone builds a website showcasing how little you care about your long term clients. If "they build it I will come" and sign petitions, post, whatever. Do everything I can to make it clear your actions (1) made no sense at all, (2) are driving us away in droves so (3) never use Yahoo again for anything because when told the basic truth about how Fantasy Sports are played, Yahoo still hides and stonewalls and does nothing to correct their mistakes.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
We NEED the MESSAGE BOARDS restored in our leagues asap! Impossible to function without them. Please restore the MESSAGE BOARD immediately so we can play baseball on this format.
We need the MESSAGE BOARDS for our offline drafts.
We need them for posting saved prospects because pre-draft the NA slots are missing and during the draft we need to see which prospects are already saved by others so as not to try and draft them.
We need them for trades involving NA (prospects) since Yahoo doesn't allow an NA to NA trade without having to drop players from the active roster - terrible programming so our commish has to manually make the trades. But to start the process we need to post the trade on the MESSAGE BOARD with both managers confirming the deal.
We need them for announcements by the commish and discussion of possible rule changes.
None of this stuff can be handled by the tiny chat app. It is filled up with sometimes hundreds of comments etc and you can't find who is drafting next scrolling through that many comments and GIFs etc or which prospects an owner is saving. It is useless for this stuff.
7th ranked
Green Raven supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
100% Plus keep NA slots open when spring rolls around at very least. They disappear every spring before the draft. Messes up all dynasty leagues every year. We have to save them (prospects) on spreadsheets and do a manually draft because of this stupid problem that Yahoo "promised" to fix like a decade ago.
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
I agree totally. My dynasty leagues would like to trade and use league messenger all year long.
20th ranked
Green Raven supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
The pre-draft rankings system is terrible. Like it was programed for DOS computers or something.
11th ranked
Green Raven supported this idea ·
9th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
A thousand times yes!! It is such a pain looking for prospects among all the dumpster fire players in the rear of the player pages.
Green Raven supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
There are players that have accent marks in the first three letters. There is no reason you can't respect the Spanish language while still the English language.
Come on. When you add an accent you actually type just the letter than add the accent mark before or after it? (I don't even know). So just have the search feature coded to look for the letter and ignore the accent marks. You still "see" them on the page but the search engine ignores them.
1st ranked
Green Raven supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Good idea. I think it should be a very viable option for all private leagues to opt for if they so choose.
10th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
I agree. Your pop-up blurbs on hitters also don't have Left, Right or Switch listed. You have to have a second screen open to some other site to check on this simplest of information or memorize all hitters in baseball since the same problem occurs when looking at players in the free agent pool.
Green Raven supported this idea ·
16th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Green Raven commented
Yeah and the endless NA slot frack-up could be avoided with dynasty leagues just storing their prospects on the active roster.
Granted fixing the NA slots are better for us because having a healthy FA pool is good too and all the active players could be scarfed up in those leagues as a well. But a better Plan B for us than NOT ever having the NA slots fixed and losing our prospects or some vets every freaking year..
Green Raven supported this idea ·
12th ranked
Green Raven supported this idea ·
Our former Yahoo leagues are currently REALLY enjoying having moved to FANTRAX, Totally free and an awesome Message Board and excellent customer service. Light years better!