US Yahoo News

- Lauren Johnston, Executive Editor, Yahoo News U.S.
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1707 results found
It's definitely time to rein in Big Tech like Yahoo because you abuse your platform by silencing opinions you disagree with!
Worse, you just remove them without any notice, and hide all comments when you don't like one. I've used a Yahoo email address since 1999, and you idiots have ruined this site for me. And don't worry...I won't let the door hit me ********** on the way out. Wokehoo SUCKS!
452nd ranked -
I'm going to start calling Yahoo, Wokehoo.
452nd ranked -
Please put the location on the headline in Yahoo News
Hi, could you put the location on the headline. I sometimes have to look up locations by whatever media source mentioned. For instance, The headline states "Florida pastor," but he was in Tennesee. That was never mention, I just knew Murfreesboro and Rutherford County.
1040th ranked -
Quit posting articles from Radical biased writers
Some of your articles are not NEWS. They are PROPAGANDA written by Radicals. Andrew Marc Miller for example. Have you ever researched this guy? He also writes for: Right Wing Rebel, Freeman News, Life and Liberty, Anti-empire, Sarah Palin, and Patriot News. Have you checked out any of these Sites?? All propoganda, with the intent to Brainwash people. Make no mistake, BRAINWASHING is what's destroying this country and as far as I'm concerned YAHOO is a Huge contributor to the downfall of America if you're going to continue employing writers like Andrew. Either get rid of the PROPOGANDA or I…
383rd ranked -
Bring back the ability to comment. You have writers giving baloney statements in their articles and no way to respond.
Bring back the ability to comment. You have writers giving baloney statements in their articles and no way to respond.
554th ranked -
383rd ranked
Stop pushing the fake Covid narratives. Excercising my freedom isnt selfish
You're not going by the science at all in anything you say. One doctor's opinion is how this fiasco started to begin with. This virus is no more than an Adenovirus(flu) and so is the vaccine, so the only reason we still have to wear face- diapers is childish fear. Notice theres never any mention of those who had covid and dont need your fake masks or fake vaccine
554th ranked -
I am reading your published comments. When i go in to respond to these, every one is closed for further comments. What is Yahoo afraid of.
I am reading your published comments. When i go in to respond to these, every one is closed for further comments. What is Yahoo afraid of. We all know, you dont have to answer.
554th ranked -
Start reporting the truth for starters. Stop spreading fear. Yahoo news sucks!!!!!!!
Start reporting the truth. You and your writers are beginning to look like a bunch buffoons in front of the whole world. I am writer and I have never read such ignorance and just plan uncreatively corrupt writing. My grandparents started the Denver Post, so I know all about news reporting. You're a joke and if you allowed comments below, you would see that many think the same about Yahoo and its news. Get a grip and start being better writers and humans. Stand bold by standing away from the sheep, then maybe you will carve out a legacy that…
743rd ranked -
reinstate comments. Ill suspend my Yahoo News viewing till Oct 1st then, if we've regained mutual respect, ill return or cancel my services
reinstate comments. Ill suspend my Yahoo News viewing till Oct 1st then, if we've regained mutual respect, ill return or cancel my services. and i find u open all my devices cause I have to click the following button n ill cancel every web site i got 15 minutes later.
743rd ranked -
Why are you not covering the current critical issues that are happening here and abroad. Like Afghanistan, our Broken Border, Covid.
You need to be reporting on all of the critical issues in our country. You failed to cover the summer riots with BLM & Antifa, Election controversy, COVID and vaccine truth, our Broken Border, the failure of Afghanistan, the our current leader who is not capable of leading our GREAT NATION. You are failing to provide the truth and facts so that the people that follow you can make well educated decisions. Please do this is you love your freedom and support the CONSTITUTION that has formed this Country.
554th ranked -
Maybe turn the.comments section back on
Maybe turn the.comments section back on
554th ranked -
news article headers
It would be helpful if each news header indicated where the news is...such as state, city, etc.....I know that probably 50% of your news headers do indicate this info, but the other 50% is ambiguous at can be confusing, and alarming at times.......thinking I'm reading about something disastrous that seems to be in my local area, only to discover after reading half of the article that it's somewhere else.............simple fix, if you ask me.
1040th ranked -
Pop up ads
The pop ups when you open a story block the beginning of the story. Says scroll down to read the content but still miss the first couple paragraphs of the article. I understand the need for advertising, but what's the point if I can't read the content I am there for. Also the pop up ads that play sound even when not on my screen is extremely annoying. Have to try to scroll back and find it to stop it. Hard to concentrate on what you are reading with some ad talking in your head. Then have to try to…
1040th ranked -
Stay in the middle lane, you know there are three sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle...
It's name is Yahoo! News, not Yahoo commentary or Yahoo opinion...I don't need to know how "woke" you think you are or to have your left leaning agenda pounded into want an opinion, Trump presented as an idiot and people kinda hated him but he did good things...Joe, seems like a nice guy, people like him but he's probably one of the worst presidents I've lived through...that's an opinion, my job, you give me news and I make my own opinions or decisions, don't tell me what you think I should think...history, doomed to repeat it.
Revisionist history and…452nd ranked -
Please Bring Back the Comments for Real/Verified Humans!
Listen, I use Yahoo search about 99.9% of the time. I just can't do something to support Google. Yahoo is my homepage. I use Yahoo Mail. I do admit to getting varied news and interesting topics from the page. Some of the comments are hilarious, and it is a good break during the day. I am not a poster of negative things.
Maybe the accounts that are real people, not web "alter Identities" can read/write if they are real. That would keep all the anonymous **** away, and all the really bad language/statements from getting in.
I would opt-in for…330th ranked -
click bait which lies
Place a bag over car mirrors when traveling alone. Ad By Livestly & Verizon which does not even give the answer of why. Why not allow "children for sale" and then sell refrigerators in the next 22 clicks
743rd ranked -
this site **** big time
This site **** big time Trump will win again Mother #@$%' ers
743rd ranked -
743rd ranked
Open up Yahoo Ive been with you since the very start of the internet please stop posting your lies
let your comment section work again and you'll see what we think
554th ranked
- Don't see your idea?