Comments are rejected
I feel I am being singled out. My comments have been rejected and I was never given a reason. I see many comments by other posters MUCH worse than I ever posted. I was never told when or if I will be allowed back on. I dont feel yahoos CENSORSHIP is fair!

Michael Wallace commented
Same here for 3 years. I even joined yahoo PLUS to fix it. That didn't work. I talked to 3 tech support people at yahoo for 30 minutes each and they don't know why or how to fix it so I cancelled yahoo PLUS. They did this to a lot of people and won't say why. It seems so tech guy at Yahoo is petty and bans people he disagrees with or something. Them refusing to acknowledge they blocked us says it all.
James Smith commented
Does Yahoo ever respond? Ask for answer in August. Was never re-instated
James Smith commented
My comment rights were suspended. I was never given a reason and was told moderators would look at the matter. Still suspended, waiting to hear, have no idea why. The least Yahoo could do is respond. Got the impression AI was involved and I don't think that was necessarily a good thing. Maybe someday they'll tell me.
Edwin F Cornell commented
Their rules are nonsensical. Just had one rejected because I used the double letter "s" as an acronym for Social Security (followed by "card") . I know this is true because I typed out the exact same comment this time using the full words and it was accepted
Michael L Anacleto commented
Yahoo clearly, has a left-leaning political bias and they don't hide it. I am so glad there are better news sources than Yahoo.
E C M commented
Mine aren't just rejected. Everyone's comments are gone. There are no comments of any kind, even if I click on "View Comments"" and there is a number of others' comments already posted. It just comes up blank. The little icon on the right at the top of the article is also blank. I wasn't vulgar, crude, offensive or hateful and do not understand why I was banned either. Heck, I've even defended Yahoo in replying to some posts. Even if I can't post, I would, at the very, very least, like to sometimes read comments by others.
Jimmy Smith commented
Stop censoring republican viewpoints and comments against your messiah biden
karel moonen commented
Glad to see I'm not the only God fearing tax paying American flying OLD GLORY proudly in front of my house having his comments rejected, I can type the letter A and it gets rejected. I see comments as well as everyone else on this thread that ARE WAY OUT OF LINE and yet we see them. Yahoo you really need to check yourself and figure it out.
Jim River commented
***** Yahoo! They should get rid of their comment section instead of rejecting comments for no reason. A person could write "have a nice day" and it would be rejected. I hope many will do like me and never click on a yahoo article again.
Jim River commented
What the **** is up with Yahoo comments? Why was this rejected? "our remark is completely nonsensical. I will not attack you because you did a decent job of demonstrating that you have no idea what you are complaining about. If a defendant does not pay unpaid fines and costs immediately or on schedule under a payment plan, the courts will automatically assess interest and additional fees. You have gained new knowledge now. Knowledge is power! Trump broke the law. Why do you want to be soft on crime?"
David L Levinson commented
Commenting on your articles about trump and references to him as a dirt bag was rejected as not meeting so called community standards when you attribute far far worse comments to Trump.Community standards should be applied equally.
Joyce a VANDYKE commented
Time to get Republicans involved on yahoo censoring speech again. How do they get away with this? Anything against Biden is censored!
Kevin R Haessig commented
Explain to me how this violates yahoo’s terms of service:
Spike Cohen cares.Educate yourself. Learn what he actions he has personally taken to help people regain their freedom.
stanley kluth commented
no comment on any article is accepted - I get a message comment cannot be posted - even positive ones
bilwis hobstocking commented
the word "oaf" "dastardly" "Ham-fisted" and "verbal kung fu" seemingly violate Openweb & yahoo community guidelines. ...
these are very common words, normal, non offensive words, yet seemingly trigger the A.I. bots "Certain parts of your comment may include inappropriate language. Please revise to take part in the conversation." warning.
mind you the whole and full comments where...quote me:
"a no2 pencil... just as dastardly."
"that sign, seems ham-fisted."
"if you swore an oath, don't be an oaf."
"alright enough verbal kung fu".all those comments where blocked / rejected, or until figured out what may have wrongly triggered your bots to block my comment.
i cannot help but feel a great aversion
to using the yahoo news and comment features, if such common, non offensive words and sentences are forbidden to be used. -
Dave Hamann commented
I want yahoo to tell me in writing why my comments are rejecting and when I can expect to be able to comment again. I have been with yahoo for many years!