Bugs with chart views (on Mobile & Desktop)
Monthly view (1M),
CHK (https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ACB)
summary chart displays (March 23 - April 14) value of $0.01,
However, https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/CHK appears correct.
On Max View (Max),
ACB (https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ACB)
the summary chart displays,
March 16, 2016
-> $16,909.10
December 25, 2015
-> $18,000.00
December 21, 2015
-> $17,454.50
June 29, 2015
-> $20,272.70
March 30, 2015
-> $15,272.70
For example, the price for December 21, 2015 should be $0.3690
as seen here, https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ACB/history?period1=1450569600&period2=1451001600&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d)
However, https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/ACB max view on desktop appears fine