Fix bugs in Yahoo Finance
I switched to the new Finance pages yesterday and so far they are not very good at all. Please address the following...
When I display my portfolios, I am not able to see all the columns that I used to be able to see without scrolling to the bottom of the portfolio and using the horizontal scroll bar. This is mainly due to the fact that your CSS settings are not allowing the pages to take up the full width of the screen. I have several inches of white space that is very inefficient. It doesn't help that you added a bunch of stuff to the right hand side of the page. I know I can hide them, but some of that information is useful so I don't want to hide it.
I tried to edit my views. This was mainly to bring the most important columns to the left so I don't have to navigate the scrolling issue from above. The process to edit the view was simple enough but there is definitely a bug with the process since each time I finished editing a view and then was using it, several columns were in different locations from where I moved them. This happened at least 5 times. I finally had to edit and then save one column at a time. Something is defintely wrong with this code.
The old finance used to stream quotes constantly. It seems to me that the new screen streams quotes only when the window is active. I often have Yahoo finance on one monitor and a spreadsheet on the other monitor. When the spreadsheet is my active window, I have found that the Yahoo finance page stops updating. This is a change from the prior version and is much worse.
We look forward to you addressing these obvious bugs and downgrades in functionality on the pages, thank you.