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3262 results found
Go back to the original version of the Yahoo Home Page
Go back to the original version of the Yahoo Home Page
105th ranked -
stop with the stupid "news stories" about amazon sales. I hate amazon and dont shop there.
Stop feeding me AMAZon sales as a news story. Amazon is awful. I dont shop there and dont want them on my feed as news.
359th ranked -
You can get the Classic Yahoo Mail Interface back after being forced to change to the "new" interface
-- Click the 3 horizontal dots in the left column of the Yahoo Mail page.
-- A new list of options appears.
-- Click Settings.
-- A new list of options appears
-- Find "Switch to basic Mail" and click it. The old interface is restored.359th ranked -
Bring back the classic view and customizations, navigations, and flexibilities! PLEASE!!
Bring back the classic view and customizations, navigations, and flexibilities! PLEASE!!
801st ranked -
Easy to understand
I wish I can talk to a human when I’m stark
507th ranked -
Bring back makes zero sense to have eliminated it! it was a perfect home page...
Bring back makes zero sense to have eliminated it! it was a perfect home page...
---your quote:"We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!” so bring back
""359th ranked -
This sucks! The personal my yahoo startup is no longer available. I really liked it.
507th ranked -
Please Allow Opt Out on the Fantasy and Gambling Page everytime signing into sports
Please allow OPT OUT for the Gambling / Fantasy page every time one signs into Sports.....
507th ranked -
When will the "Generate App Password" feature be fixed?
All of a sudden the App(lication) password feature stopped working. What are your plans to get it working again ?
1st ranked -
TOS VIOLATION :Child Exploitation. Do not post, send, or solicit content that sexualizes minors or facilitates or promotes child sexual abuse. This includes digitally-manipulated and cartoon content. The possession, distribution, and solicitation of child sexual abuse material is a serious crime that we report to law enforcement authorities across the world via the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
I want the option to block this PERVERSION Which YAHOO promotes as "entertainment " TO CHILDREN with no parental warning !
801st ranked -
Every time ⏲️ save the password
All time save the password
1472nd ranked -
Unable to view comments on Yahoo articles. Always Blank!!!! Fix it please.
Unable to view comments on Yahoo articles. Always Blank!!!!
Fix it please.1472nd ranked -
Unable to view comments on Yahoo articles. Always Blank!!!! Fix it please.
Unable to view comments on Yahoo articles. Always Blank!!!!
Fix it please.1472nd ranked - discontinuation
I am disappointed about the loss of RSS and the home page. I will be finding a new RSS reader. I enjoyed using and do miss it.
Ron801st ranked -
Unable to generate APP Password.
Unable to generate a app password. One created long back was working till now, but with changes made in application , i forgot the password. Now new one is not getting generated. Error popup as "Sorry this feature is not available at present"
2nd ranked -
Facebook saya kena bajak mohon d bantu
359th ranked -
Ability to change my birth 'date'.
I need, or should, change my birth date, it's wrong. I obviously haven't looked at my profile on this site since I entered it. Had some time, noticed that the date was wrong. But that's the only thing on here I can't change.
Why not?
If it's no big deal, no worries.
But please text/email me with the answer...leave it, or change it?
Do I really need to change or not?
Instructions on how to do the change.
Thank you.58th ranked -
359th ranked
My Yahoo going away...
Don't eliminate My Yahoo!!
801st ranked -
Disable AI email summaries on ios. Very annoying!!
Allow us to disable AI summaries on ios Yahoo Mail app. They are pure clutter, inaccurate, and obscure the message.
801st ranked
- Don't see your idea?