Bug : Portfolio entries on MyYahoo page showing "USD"
Bug: Portfolio entries on MyYahoo page showing "USD" before prices currently. Since they are USD, it's unnecessary.
Jeffrey Keating commented
Agree with others, please remove the 'USD' in front of stock prices ASAP.
Stephen Levine commented
All my stocks are USD. The info you are providing with USD is irrelevant! What is not irrelevant is seeing the % gain/lost! Why link USD with % ? Bad idea! Put % back in!
DK Rule commented
Not a "bug", it's a feature. Didn't we ALL ask for this "feature"? I remember seeing millions of suggestions to add this "feature".
Yahoo "brains" are too busy adding "features" no one asked for and ignoring the hundreds of suggestions we add here...
There's a name for what Yahoo is, but I am not allowed to post the term.
Bruce Friedman commented
You did these crazy intrusive things for years. Finally when Verizon took over they saved us. DON'T go back to the crazy days. Do bata trials first if you must. Be smart please
Mitchell Wax commented
This is a poor add on. It is not necessary. It should never be default. If you insist it should be a user choice to show at all.
Bruce Friedman commented
useless garbage, gets in the way, whoever put that in is a moron
R. B. commented
Yes, in "My Portfolio" on My Yahoo, please remove the big, white intrusive "USD" from in front of every single one of my equities prices. If you feel that you must note the currency, you can put it once at the top of the Prices column.
And will you please lay off trying to "fix" things that aren't broken? -
Rob Caldwell commented
Peter L HILLBORG commented
While you're at it fix "My Portfolio". Does not display at all. Doesn't show charts, can't look up symbols, only 1 news item for a stock - but the ads load just fine.
Mike Ajifu commented
This annoying feature came out yesterday (1/13/2021) for me. Looks like there is a new feature toggle just right of the "Last updated at xx:xx..." header there is a link called "Show/Hide USD". Unfortunately it is set as default to SHOW. Even after you change to HIDE, refresh the page or relaunch the browser, it defaults back to SHOW. Annoying. Make it a configuration setting choice if you must release this unnecessary display choice.
Once corrected as an configuration, I recommend putting the currency type next to the Price column (eg "Price (USD)"), and NOT on each price. Looks way too cluttered now.
A Y commented
Must be a way to control it, right?
Jason Macy commented
There appears to be a recently introduced "My Portfolio" page which constantly shows prices preceded with USD with a hyperlink "Hide USD" that is out of place and appears over text at the top. This setting link should be somewhere else, and the setting should be remembered when returning to the page rather than having to click it each time. Even better would be to remove the setting as revert to the behavior it had before which is to just show numbers without USD.
Rajeev L Gorowara commented
Recently My Yahoo portfolio format was changed. Stock prices are being listed with currency letters, e.g. stock price of BP may be listed as USD25.49. This is difficult to read, and should be either USD 25.49, $25.49, $ 25.49, or 25.49.
Greg Dexter commented
Test your updates to ensure they work properly before rolling them out to the public!!!
Matt Liebowitz commented
As of today, 1/14/21, I see that there is a new option to Show/Hide USD on the My Portfolio view in My Yahoo. Unfortunately every time you refresh the page it defaults back to showing the currency. Most of us know what currency we've invested in and I don't see this as adding any value.
At a minimum, allow us to define whether we want to show it or hide it and then retain that setting every time so that we don't have to de-select it each time.
Mark Hahn commented
Bad idea to add that, screws up the look
Chas H Perkins commented
It also does not render correctly and is behind the last updated notification and hard to click. Please remove.
Bruce Kahn commented
I totally agree. Get rid of the USD. It's annoying and not helpful. Thanks.
Peter L HILLBORG commented
Couldn't agree more, especially when some of my stocks are not US. Also tried to vote on your post, but was asked to sign in, but no sign in page came up.
Peter L HILLBORG commented
Might be OK for your portfolio entirely in US Funds, but mine is not. Get rid of the US Funds.