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Yahoo Homepage

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799 results found

  1. I will stop using Yahoo if I keep seeing Fox News.

    I am going to stop using Yahoo as my homepage if I keep seeing Fox News. This is excessive and insulting.

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  2. Homepage format!!

    Thanks for going back to the original format!!!

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    YAHOO IS ANTI AMERICAN- THEY REJECTED THIS INNOCENT COMMENT ON THEIR YAHOO PAGE. WHY WAS IT REJECTED? IT IS FACTUAL, IT IS NOT HATEFUL OR ENCOURAGING VIOLENCE. HOW IS THIS AGAINST COMMUNITY STANDARDS.? "Robert, The USA provides Socialist programs that most Americans support such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, Healthcare, housing, food , Public School and many more programs to those Americans in need such as the disabled, sick, mentally ill, the poor, homeless, elderly, the unfortunates, etc. Not to do so would be devastating for millions of Americans."

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  4. Banning Conservatives

    Why doi you ban ideas and views that you do not agree with? You are a fascist company. Communist is what you aspire to Yahoo.

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  5. Give us the option to drop

    news sources we don't want to see / are deeply morally offended by....I'm looking at you, Faux News,......

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  6. Been using Yahoo as my homepage for 20+ yrs. I absolutely loathe new layout. Please give option for loyal users to switch back to Classic.

    Been using Yahoo as my homepage for 20+ yrs. I absolutely loathe new layout. Please give option for loyal users to switch back to Classic.

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  7. Why do I have to repeatedly verify my access to my email? Sometimes thre or more time a day!

    I have to verify my identity everytime that I open my Yahoo account using my computers browser. Sometimes three or more times in a day even if I leave the tab open. This is becoming very frustrating to me. This has been going on for over a month now. what's the fix?

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  8. Hunter Biden issue - is it real or fake?

    Please, for now on, only show the facts regarding Hunter Biden... I have had the privilege of seeing the "Lap Top From ****!" It is absolutely horrendous viewing all of the things he was involved with!!!!! The guy belongs in jail with all of the other perverted people in prison!!!!! Thank You.

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  9. Empower users to choose what they see

    Give us categories of content to choose from rather than forcing content in our faces. If you are truly interested in feedback do not bury the option at the bottom of the page. The new site design is all the worst traits that digital media has become. What trends is influenced by what you spotlight. Too many people are influenced by what you spotlight. What you spotlight makes you seems like an arm of the far right and is what you profit from.

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  10. Please stop showing so many article about Kardashians

    Stop showing so many stories covering the kardashian

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  11. Bad new 'home page'...

    Sirs ~
    You have curiously not asked us however here is my bit; no, I do NOT like the appearance of the new home page. It is barren and bleak. One needs to go to another whole new page simply to find - pick one - weather, say.
    Please return the original.

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  12. Unbalanced Political News Articles

    I'm seeing a lot of left wing articles being posted without a balanced of right wing articles. The main stories are regarding the Trump indictments and January 6th but nowhere does it mention the current House oversight committee hearings discussing Biden and his family's criminal investigations. Both sides are important for the public to see and learn about.

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  13. Get new management

    I will not longer be using Yahoo.Great job alienating your users. Time to boycott

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  14. Your search engine isn't working

    Your search engine isn't working.

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  15. This new home page stinks. Who asked for this?!?!?!

    Why fix it if it isn't broken? How was this a good idea? It isn't bad enough that Yahoo censors non-inflammatory comments (probably due to paid sponsorship and/or favoritism) but now no commenting at all? I'll be looking for another homepage and creating a new e-mail address. Yahoo doesn't mean all that much to me anymore. You guys suck and the people pulling your strings suck too.

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  16. New Homepage Bugs

    New homepage has many glitches and Search bar does not work. Have to use a different search engine to find info due to horrible New homepage.

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  17. 661st ranked

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    183rd ranked

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  19. Get rid of the biased right wing rag The Telegraph.

    Get rid of Right wing **** from The Telegraph.

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  20. 661st ranked

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